Historical Background
"Soldier's Home"
"A Rose for Emily", "The Feather Pillow"
"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty"
"Richard Cory"
This is the world event that brought about major change.
What is World War 1?
This is the author of "Soldier's Home" and his connection to World War 1
What is Ernest Hemingway, who served in the war as an ambulance driver and was wounded.
This is the author of "A Rose for Emily" and his personal connection with the American South to his literature.
What is William Faulkner, who was from the South, and felt great ambivilance towards it.
This is author of "Walter Mitty" and a description of his writing style.
What is James Thurber, who was a satirist, a parody artist, and full of wry, sarcastic, dry wit.
This is the poet behind "Richard Cory".
What is Edwin Arlington Robinson
Overall, Modernism was all about this:
What is experimentation?
These are examples of problems Krebs faces when he returns home from the war.
What is the fact that he no longer believes in God or religion, no longer feels love or compassion for other, etc.
This is the order in which "A Rose for Emily" is narrated.
What is reverse?
This is a description of how the late 1930's are reflected in the story.
What is the question: "Can Germany win the war in the skies?"
This is a description of who is likely telling Richard Cory's story.
What is a person from the town who obviously envies him.
This is a detailed description of how World War 1 shaped the attitudes of artists, authors, and poets of this time period.
What is the fact that World War 1 caused people to question the American Dream, in addition to the old ways of doing things, tradition, etc.
This is probably the most prominent theme of "Soldier's Home" and how it is created.
What is "War has the capability to change a person completely", which is created through the dramatic changes through which Krebs undergoes when he comes home from the war.
This is a description of how the symptoms faced by Alicia could possibly reflect the personal conflicts faced by her and her husband.
What is the fact that Alicia and her husband communicate poorly, her husband does not show her affection, and it's actually her husband's dominance over her and insistence on bed rest that kills her.
This is the literary technique in which popular genres of fiction or mimicked or mocked.
What is parody?
This is a description of the effect of the last line of the poem.
What is thought-provoking and/or surprise ending.
Immigrants to America viewed it as a New _________, which means __________.
What is "Eden", which means that America was a land of plenty, great opportunity and prosperity.
Because Krebs is a somewhat unlikeable character and possesses flaws, he could be considered a(n) __________, and reasons why.
What is antihero, because Krebs is unhappy, socially isolated, withdrawn, avoidant, decidedly unheroic.
This is a description of the narrator of "A Rose for Emily" and why he/she is particularly important.
What is the fact that the narrator is probably from the town, as evidenced by his/her dialect, usage of local colloquialisms and racial slurs. This provides the effect of the town being Miss Emily's observers.
This is a description of how Tom's wife could be considered a stock character.
What is the fact that she embodies old stereotypes about the "nagging wife".
These are the emotional overtones to words.
What are connotations.
This is a description of two new intellectual theories and how they were influential to American literature.
What are Marxism and Psychoanalysis, which were influential to stream of consciousness writing and a general shift toward the rights of workers.
This is a detailed description of how Harold Krebs is a reflection of the period in which he lives.
What are the symptoms he endures as a survivor of World War 1, his noting of the changing trends of the 1920's, his desire for isolation, his lack of desire to talk with girls, etc.
This is a detailed description of why both "A Rose for Emily" and "The Feather Pillow" are gothic stories.
What is the fact that both stories have strange, eeries settings (Emily lives in an old, dusty, Southern manor, while Alicia and her husband live in a cavernous, whitewashed house), both stories have something hidden that "creeps" throughout the story (Alicia's bug and Emily's hidden body), both stories have surprise endings (The discovery of the body in Emily's home and the discovery of the horrible insect in Alicia's pillow).
This is a detailed description of at least two of Mitty's fantasies and how they qualify as parodies.
What is Mitty's fantasy of himself as a hydroplane pilot, which parodies classic war novels and films, Mitty's fantasy of himself as a hardened criminal, which parodies courtroom drama radio shows and films, Mitty's fantasy of himself as a famous surgeon, which parodies the emergency room drama.
This is a detailed list of the connotations that make Richard Cory and the people of the town what they are.
What are "sole to crown", "richer than a king", "imperially slim" - All of which connote Richard Cory as a kingly figure. "Downtown" connotes that the people he associates with are below him, as well as the fact that the people he associates with are on "the pavement"