_______ is the state-mandated curriculum for each grade level and content area in Texas; it represents a statewide content guide of essential information that all students should achieve in Texas.
What is TEKS?
________ is typically given to a large sample of students under uniform conditions and scored and reported according to uniform protocol; allow for comparisons with other students from across the country.
What is standardized assessment?
__________ has students who feel physically and emotionally safe in a classroom that is orderly and focused on learning.
What is a productive learning environment?
_____ is the incidental learning that results from interactions between students and their environment; is what students learn, other than academic content from they do or they are expected to do in school; is part of the invisible curriculum
What is implicit curriculum?
______ is collected after instruction has happened; purpose to see how well a particular student or group of students performed the learning objective(s); used to make decisions about grades.
What is summative assessments?
_________ will lead students to be confused, lack respect of your rules, and think you have favorite students.
What is inconsistency?
______ is the organization of educational content to meet specified outcomes that schools take responsibility for; is the planned learning experiences described in course guides and syllabi.
What is explicit curriculum?
It was signed into law in January of 2002. It is regarded as the most significant federal education policy initiative in a generation. It sets deadlines for states to expand the scope and frequency of student testing, revamp their accountability systems and takes steps to guarantee that every teacher is qualified.
What is NCLB?
____________ is cited as the most challenging problem facing teachers.
What is class management?
_____ are the strategies teachers use to help students reach learning goals in the curriculum.
What is instruction?
_________ tests measures student performance against that of other students.
What is norm-referenced?
_______is a teacher action designed to increase desired behaviors or eliminate student misbehavior and inattention.
What is intervention?
_____are topics left out of the course of study.
What is null curriculum?
_______ is the process of requiring students to demonstrate understanding of the topics they study as measured by standardized tests, as well as holding educators responsible for students’ performance.
What is accountability?
Kounin states _____ is the ability to stop misbehavior and continue the lesson at the same time.
What is overlapping?