special therapy
List the 3 'tools of the trade' for the mental health nurse.
What is therapeutic communication, therapeutic use of self, and knowledge?
Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Celexa belong to this class of drugs?
What is SSRI. takes weeks to become therapeutic. Do not use with MAOI = Hypertensive crisis 14 days between MOAI and SSRI or SNRI Do not take Paxil if pregnancy anticipated. SE= drowzy,lightheaded,insomnia, may decrease appetite
Debriefing is a priority intervention for this disorder.
What is PTSD? HESI HINT.. Actively listen to client's stories of experience surrounding the traumatic event assist to develop objectivity about event and problem solve to help control anxiety of event. Group and CBT is beneficial
Parkinsonism, Akathisia, Dystonia, Tardive Dyskinesia
What are side effects of psychotropic drugs? Parkinsonism:rigidity, shuffling gait,hand tremors, dyskenesia... Akathisia:restlessness, agitation,difficulty sitting still.. Dystonia: limb & neck spasm, rigidity, jerky movements.. TD: involuntary tongue and lip movement,blinking..
This is a reference tool prepared by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) used to provide diagnostic criteria for all psychiatric disorders.
What is DMS-IV-TR? It provides a holistic view of variables that are affecting the mentally il clients. Know the different Axis..
Describe the positive and negative s/s associated with schizophrenia.
What is negative s/s affective flatening, avolition,anhedonia,alogia,social withdrawal.. What is positive s/s delusions, hallucinations,disorganizd speech, agitation, catatonic behavior. Per required video in library resources through Angel.
The rational for giving thiamine to an alcoholic is...
What is to prevent neurological damage? Wernicke syndrome (encphalopathy) due to deficient Vitamin B Korsakoff syndrome organis syndrome... Safety and Nutritional issues are priorities... Confront the denial and rationalization... HESI...
5 aspects of this therapy are containment, structure, support, validation, involvement.
What is Milieu Therapy? The planned use of people, resources, and activities in the environment to assist in improvening interpersonal skills, social functioning and performing the ADL. Focus on here and now - limit settings - group therapy - support privacy and autonomy
Fear of being in a public place and moving towards a panic attack.
What is agoraphobia? Acknowledge the fear - refrain from exposing client to the fear - establish trust - desensitization process HESI HINT
This is a form of therapy directed at the resolution of an immediate problem that the client is unable to meet alone using their normal coping mechanisms.
What is crisis intervention? State of disequilibrium. Be very directive. Focus on problem. ID support systems.... Goal....Return to precrisis level of functioning
Common traits with this Axix II dsorder include: Failure to accept consequences of their own actions. They cope by altering the environment instead of self. Lack of insight into their disorder is common. They often have the ability to evoke interpersonal conflict.
What is personality disorders. Cluster A- odd ecentric behavior- establishing trust ClusterB - dramatic, emotional, eratic behavior Cluster C - anxious and fearful behavior Management techniques???
A nutritional consideration for Lithium.
What is sodium? A constant normal range of Na+ is important with this drug. Low Na+ levels can cause toxicity. What are foods high in Na+? What can cause Na depletion?
When caring for a client with OCD the nurse should not do this.
What is interrupt the ritual. The best time for interaction with a client is at the completion of the performed ritual. The client's anxiety is at it's lowest at this time therefor, it is optimal time for learning (then you can explore meaning and purpose of behavior)
Avoid these three behaviors with a paranoid client.
Paranoid or paranoid schizophrenia? What is whisper, touch, laugh? Establish truthful & honest..avoid confrontation..focus on feelings that caused this delusion..assist to ID thoughts perceptions and own conclusions about the reality.
This therapy is directed at replacing a client's irrational beliefs and distorted attitudes. It focuses on repalcing negative thought processes.
What is Cognitive therapy? Usually short term 2-3 months. Involves cognitive restructuring. It is focused problem solving therapy. Irrational = Everyone should like me -- Rational Counterpart =No one is liked by everyone. That is unrealistic
Nursing Plan and interventions for client with ETOH abuse.
What is safety, nutrition, hygeine, rest. What is assess for risk for suicide prn. what is assess for withrawal s/s. HESI...
Ativan, Xanax, librium & valium belong to this class of drugs.
What is benzodiazepam? A CNS depresant. Watch for SE... Do not abbruptly D/C of on daily doses. No ETOH Flumazenil is antidote
The 3 "S" interventions for treating the DTs.
What is 4-6 hrs after last drink.. HESI safety ( assess v/s, delirium, hallucinations, suicide) secure environment, supplements, sedate. nutrition (banana bag , vitamin Bs, B1 , Complex Bs) medication (librium or ativan) Know early and other S/S of ETOH withdrawal.
Nausea is common after this. Maintain a patent airway. Short trem memory loss is common side effect.
What is Electroconvulsive therapy? Drug to prevent aspiration. Drug to prevent muscle injury. Three reasons why it may be prescribed?
Advantages of Group therapy.
What is : Development of socializing skills. Opportunity to try new behaviors. Promotes a feeling os universitality. Find alternatives ways of dealing with problems.
Painful feelings, memories, thoughts, or aspects of identity are removed from consciousness.
What is dissociative disorders? The nurse should know that all behavior has meaning. Avoid giving patient too much info at one time. The types of amnesia provide protection from pain. You do not want pt to decompensate. HESI HINT
Treatment for EPS side effects of psychotropic drugs.
What is anticholinergic drugs? Cogentin, Artane, Simmetrel or Benadryl? Know these Side effects and what to assess for. Parkinsonism, akathesia, dystonia (same dyskenesia), TD
Phrase of You should leave him today.
What is forbiden phrase? you should... Why... don't worry.... I know... I agree totally....
This is a life threatening emergency with increased risk if taking phenothiazides (Ie thorazine) with severe muscle rigidity, high fever, tachy, increased RR ...
What is neuroleptic malignant syndrome? Hypertensive crisis due to med incompatibility (ie. MAOI & SSRI) increased BP, severe headache, CP, sweating , N/V
Family Therapy
What is the focus is patterns of interaction within the group, not on any individual memeber. ID Life scripts (living out parents dreams) ID self-fulfilling prophecies ( unconscious thinking and setting it up to happen) ID Congruent and incongruent communication between members