Digital Immigrants vs. Digital Natives
21st Century Learning
Chapters 6-7
Chapters 8-10
This group uses blogs for more personal use, much like a diary.
What is a Digital Native? Digital Immigrants tend to use blogs for more intellectual purposes.
Nicolas Negroponte of MIT wrote Prensky, " I believe that learning comes from passion, not this."
What is "Discipline?" Discipline is a result of the educator demanding what they want, but does little to cultivate what the student wants.
Prensky believes that our children lead double lives: real lives, and this.
What are online lives? Today, students use the internet to learn, play, experiment, communicate and socialize. Though many immigrants to this as well, they are more likely to view an online life as "inferior" to a real life.
One of the benefits Digital Natives enjoy when communicating online is avoiding this.
What is "lookism" "Lookism" is when people are judged based on their looks and outward behaviors. Online people are judged based on their thoughts and personalities.
Many educators and even some of the country's leaders believe that if our students today had more of this education would be in better shape.
What is discipline? Prensky (2012) believes that discipline and external pressures are not the answer to fixing education but discovering our students passions.
Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants both consume knowledge, but how they redistribute or "Report" that knowledge is different. This group has the motto "knowledge is power"
What are Digital Immigrants? Digital Natives, according to Prensky (2012), would have the motto "Sharing knowledge is power" because they frequently report knowledge and information as soon as they hear it and share with their online community.
Students today are bored in school because they are taught a curriculum developed in the past which denies them this.
What is "their future?" If we continue to push the past, we will utimately deny students their future.
Prensky (2012) believes that students need to have an equal voice in this
What is "their own education?" The opinions of kids are very rarely considered in what is taught to them, even though the education is theirs and is supposed to serve them.
Abbreviations like this: brb, ttyl, GTGPOS, are often used for this communication tool
What is texting? Digital Natives have created clever ways to shorten words and even whole phrases in order to make communication more efficient and timely. Also it serves as a "secret code" at times when parents or other adults are around.
The time when many of today's students learn, and even at times more than during the school day.
What is "after-school"? Students today learn through the various technology that they have access to, gaming, surfing the web, chatting with friends. When we take it away from them during the school day we are cutting them off from a learning connection.
This Group, Digital Native or Digital Immigrants, is more likely to do the following: Write an e-mail to someone and then call that same person to ensure the e-mail was received and talk about it.
What are Digital Immigrants? Digital Natives see online communication as just as important and convenient as face-to-face or over the phone and most likely check their e-mails frequently.
According to the NetDay study, Todays 3rd graders already have multiples of these.
What are email addresses? After all, technology is more then just a tool to a native, it's the understructure of their lives.
Prensky (2012) says, "there need be only 2 rules for kids in school: Do your best every moment to learn), and this.
What is "Do not disturb anyone else in the process? As long as these expectations are being met, students will automatically succeed.
This term refers to creating new worlds, and levels in online games.
What is "modding" Digital Natives customize games to their liking or even create new parts of a game to make it better or more efficient. This is encouraged by the original game creators usually by offering cash prizes and awards.
Some students feel that their teachers are so unlike them and unfamiliar with regards to technology use, they even do this.
What is speak a different language? As one student put it, "There's so much difference between how teachers think and how students think." (Presnky, 2012, pg. 112)
When working out a multiple step math problem which group is least likely to grab a calculator to solve it?
Who are Digital Natives? Digital Natives are more likely to grab the calculator. They see it as an tool for solving just like a Digital Immigrant sees their brain as a tool for solving the problem.
Today's students react this way during lectures.
What is "they hate them and tune them out." Rather then being "talked at", students prefer to use technology to teach themselves, with guidence from the teacher.
Prensky feels that the reason education reformers are failing to improve learning is because they do this.
What is "they ignore kids?" Here is where much of the problemns in education today lies. There are many intelligent and articulate students who should have a say in what is taught to them during their careers as students.
Marc Prensky usually includes these, although at times they can create distress for some, when he travels to schools and gives talks.
What are student panels? Prensky believes that a step in the direction to school reform would be for educators to take the time to listen to their students and get their opinion on their own education and future.
An emphasis on past standards and ways of teaching.
What is "Legacy" curriculum? Legacy curriculum is focused on past standards and teaching, we need to focus on the future curriculum.
This is one of the greatest areas of change in how Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants use the Internet?
What is Communication? Both Natives and Immigrants take advantage of online communication tools but Natives take it to another level. Natives text, chat, e-mail, Skype and often times do more than one simultaneously. Natives view their online communication and personal relationships as just as important as ones face-to-face.
According to a 2004 survey by the NetDay project, "Students are not just using technology differently today, but are also doing this."
What is "approaching their lives and their daily activities differently because of technology." Even though many adults use technology just as much, there are still differences in the way natives use it.
Prensky says "It seems to me that after the digital "singularity", there are two kinds of content: Legacy content, and this. "
What is "future content?" Which is based on lessons that are totally relevent to the future of todays students.
In multiple countries and states today's youth all agree on this feeling in the classroom.
What is boredom? Our students today are bored in class. This is because the instruction they are receiving is dated and not forward thinking. Students need more engagement and instruction that is tailored to their passions and interests.
Nanotechnology, space exploration, genomics, proteomics, bioethics, quantum computing and more.
What is future oriented curriculum? These types of future oriented studies are not frequently discussed and taught in K-12 education. Students have to wait until college to specialize. How much could help our students by introducing it earlier?