Works Cited
subscription database
Web Site
What is the order for entries on the Works Cited page?
Should I italicize or use quotation marks for the title of an eBook?
An eBook is a book so the title is italicized.
What's the difference between a subscription database and the "open" or "free" web?
Subscription databases are comprised of materials that have been edited and organizes. In many cases, the information has been peer-reviewed by an expert in the subject.
Should web sites be used in serious research?
Absolutely, but only if you are certain that the web site is accurate, reliable and that the contributors are experts in the subject.
List the chunks of information required for a book citation.
author. title, publishing information. format
What is the correct spacing for citations
double space within each citation and between citations.
What do I write down for the format of an eBook?
An eBook is available to you via the Internet so list Web as the format.
The password for Gale and Proquest databases is
What should I do if there is no author of the web site page I used for my research?
if there is no listed author, begin the citation with the web page's title.
If there are two or more authors who contributed equally to a source, how do you format their names.
First author listed is last name, first name. The following authors are listed first name, last name.
If there is no author listed for a particular citation, how do I know where to list the citation on my Works Cited page?
Use the first word (not a, an, the) in the article's or web page's title.
What do I do with the title of the database that contains the eBook I used in my research?
Italicize the name of the database.
How do a I format an article from a journal in our database?
Use quotation marks for the title of articles in magazines, scholarly journals, newspaper
In a citation for a web site, what is italicized?
The name of the web site is in italics
What does the publishing information for a book contain?
city: publisher name, copyright
Where does the Works Cited Page go in a paper?
Works Cited page is the page immediately following the last page of your research paper.
Where can I find the necessary information to make the proper citation for an O'Dowd eBook?
Use the "cite this" function. The databases will create a basic citation for you. All you will need to do is make sure the formatting is correct.
What is the proper formatting in the citation for the name of the subscription database I used in my research.
Italicize the name of the database
Is it possible that the web site name and the sponsoring organization is the same?
You will have to do some digging to find out who sponsors/publishes the web site, but it does happend that the web site name and the sponsoring organization are one and the same.
In MLA how do you designate that a book was in print not in electronic format?
The last word in the citation is Print.
Why do we have a Works Cited page? Aren't in-text citations enough?
The Works Cited page give full bibliographic information on each source. It tells author, title, publishing information and format.
Which two dates do I need to have in my eBook citation?
Date of publication and date of access
List the order of "information chunks" in the citation for a subscription database.
author. title. publishing information. database name. format. date of access.
What does this Google command mean: euthanasia site:edu
Google will resturn only results from college/university web sites that have the term "euthanasia."
Is a book title in italics or quotation marks?
Book titles are in italics