Predicate Nominatives/
Pred. Adjectives
Predicate Nominatives/ Pred. Adjectives
Is this sentence correct? For Christmas last year, my parents gave me some adidas shoes.
No. Adidas should be capitalized because it is a specific brand of shoe.
What do you do to poems, songs, chapter titles, newspaper or magazine articles, etc.?
You put QUOTATION MARKS around them!
Read the following sentence. William Faulkner is a world renowned author from Oxford, Mississippi. What is the word "author"?
Predicate Nominative
Miss Angela's deserts taste delicious! What is the Predicate Adjective?
Choose the correct spelling of this word. A) interaktive B) interractive C) interactive D) enteractive
C) interactive
Is this sentence capitalized correctly? We play "The Star Spangled Banner" over the loud speaker at every Friday Night football game.
No. Night should not be capitalized.
What do you do to the titles of newspapers, magazines, books, albums, etc.?
Our smart board is an excellent piece of technology for the classroom! What is the word "piece"?
Predicate Nominative
George is the manager of a Mexican restaurant named Fiesta Grill. What is the predicate nominative?
Which sentence uses quotations and commas correctly? A) "I would like to go to the beach." Mary said. B) "I would like to go to the beach," Mary said. C) I would like to go to the beach. "Mary said." D) "I would like to go to the beach, Mary said."
B) "I would like to go to the beach," Mary said.
Which of the following sentence does not make an error? A) I am proud to be from the South. B) We have wonderful weather here in the Fall. C) My family lives on West Valley street. D) The poem "Southern summers" was written about the south.
A) I am proud to be from the South.
Which of the following is correct? A) Please bring these items to the meeting; a notebook, a pen, and a pencil. B) Please bring these items to the meeting, a notebook, a pen, and a pencil. C) Please bring these items to the meeting a notebook, a pen, and a pencil. D) Please bring these items to the meeting: a notebook, a pen, and a pencil.
D) Please bring these items to the meeting: a notebook, a pen, and a pencil.
Students from Coldwater Attendence Center went on a field trip last April. What is the Predicate Adjective?
The CD player is small and black and has Ms. Shaheen's name on it. What are the predicate adjectives?
small, black
Which sentence uses commas correctly? A) Dwayne is the best football player, at the school. B) Christy, is my best friend at school. C) Marjory, would you please close the door? D) Jacob, a lawyer in Memphis, works until 6:00 each night.
D) Jacob, a lawyer in Memphis, works until 6:00 each night.
Which of the following sentences uses capitalization correctly? F. One Saturday last Spring my Aunt took my brother and me to the art museum in Jackson. G. James Fenimore Cooper’s The Last of the Mohicans tells of many thrilling encounters with the Indians. H. The Magnolia trees are blooming along the highway as we drive across the State of Mississippi. J. On Washington’s Birthday ten students from Boston Junior High School handed out American Flags to the Student Body.
G. James Fenimore Cooper’s The Last of the Mohicans tells of many thrilling encounters with the Indians.
Which of the following sentences does not contain an error in punctuation? A) I love the song "Baby" by Justin Beiber! B) My mother subscribes to the Tate County newspaper, "The Democrat." C) "Southern Living" is a magazine that is the authority on the South! D) "College Dropout" is an album by Kanye West that was very popular when it was released.
A) I love the song "Baby" by Justin Beiber!
Read the following sentence. My dog's fur appears golden in the sunlight. Find the SN, LV, and PA.
SN = fur, LV = appears, PA = golden
When the game was over, the boy seemed depressed that his team had lost. What is the SN, LV, and PA?
SN=boy, LV=seemed, PA=depressed
Which of the following choices is a run-on sentence? A) My father and I saw the game at the FedEx Forum. B) Wicked is the best play I have ever seen it was so interesting! C) The students are very smart and can ace the MCT2! D) At the end of the school day, the students walked toward the bus.
B) Wicked is the best play I have ever seen it was so interesting!
Which sentence has all capital letters used correctly? A) He goes to the Hernando Farmer's Market every saturday. B) You can buy mexican tortillas and spanish olives at the Grocery Store. C) My eye doctor, Dr. Richard Branson, treats each patient with care. D) The Church is located on Spring Street.
C) My eye doctor, Dr. Richard Branson, treats each patient with care.
Which sentence is correct? A) "Would you ride with me to the store?" asked Job. B) Would you ride with me to the store? asked Job C) "Would you ride with me to the store." asked Job. D) Would you ride with me to the store. "Asked Job"
A) "Would you ride with me to the store?" asked Job.
Which sentence does not contain a predicate nominative? A) Mr. Skipper and Mr. Bolden are administrators at CAC. B) The young girl became a teacher when she grew up. C) Henry felt unhappy because he did not win an award at the science fair. D. Mr. Chambers is the mayor of Greenville, Alabama.
C) Henry felt unhappy because he did not win an award at the science fair.
Which of the following sentences does not contain a predicate adjective? A)The fresh scent of gardenias seemed pleasant. B)Maria has enrolled in classes at Phoenix University. C)Her answer to Ms. Smart's question was simply brilliant! D)The engineer for Shell Oil Company is Scottish.
B)Maria has enrolled in classes at Phoenix University.
Choose the sentence that uses quotations and commas correctly. A) "Maria," John replied,"Please don't forget to pay the bill." B) "Maria." John replied. "Please don't forget to pay the bill. C) Maria. "John replied." Please don't forget to pay the bill. D) "Maria" John replied. "Please don't forget to pay the bill."
A) "Maria," John replied,"Please don't forget to pay the bill."