Common Core
Language Arts
Common Core
Common Core Science, Ohio Social Studies
Shalek Class Policies
Grade 3 Assessments
How has third grade math changed this year?
This is the first year third grade will be doing the Common Core Curriculum. We will cover fewer topics but will go deeper into each topic. I attached a list of websites to give you more information about the Common Core.
What reading strategies will you work on in third grade?
comprehension, summarizing, fluency, making connections, inferring, *extended response questions that require students to look back in the text.
How will science change for this years third graders?
This year's 3rd graders will be assessed over the new common core science curriculum when they are in 5th grade. The assessment is based off of knowledge learned from grades 3-5.
What is the reading log?
Each student should read for 20 minutes each night for at least 5 days per week. Students should record the numbers of minutes on the calendar. Parents need to initial next to this. A new part of my reading log this year will have three open ended questions that students can answer in any order. Reading logs are always due on the first of the next month.
What is the new MAP test?
Measures of Academic Progress and it gives us the ability to measure student achievement and academic growth in math. Our class will take it on the computers on September 12, and again mid year. Students cannot prepare for it!
How can you be sure my child is understanding the new concepts?
After the new lesson, students will do practice problems on dry erase boards. I will walk around and check in with those students who need help. The last 30 minutes of math class will be math groups where students are groups based on pre-assessments. I will check in with all groups before they go home each night to work on the homework.
What kind of writing will be done in third grade?
T1: Narrative (characters, setting) T2: Informative/Explanatory (Facts and Information) T3: Opinion All Year: writing process, writing conventions, responses to reading
What Social Studies topics will be covered in third grade?
Our community, what makes it diverse, geography from outer space to Dublin, economy
How will I know what my child has for homework? How is homework graded?
Plan Book! I will grade all homework and mark questions that are wrong just so students can see how well they know the material. I will not put a grade into PB, just an effort score. 0: not done 0.5: Late or incomplete 1: Complete on time
What is the O.A.A. and how can I help prepare my child for it?
Ohio Achievement Assessment (Practice reading in October, Reading and Math in May). Will be replaced with the PARCC assessment NEXT YEAR. 1. Read Every Night with your child 2. Check/help with Math homework 3. Google "OAA Practice", and you can take practice tests and see previous years test questions
What Math program do you use and what are the benefits?
Envision Common Core. This program offers differentiation opportunities for reteaching, practice and enrichment for each lesson. It also provides a "Common Core Review" for each lesson, so that students get the chance to constantly review and master old concepts.
What read alouds will you be reading and what kind of activities will go along with the read aloud?
Avi Series (Poppy, Poppy and Rye....) Mouse and the Motorcycle Series After we read each day, students will practice an extended response questions (practice for OAA), where they will have to think hard and use evidence from the story to answer the questions.
What science topics will be covered in third grade?
The Earth's Resources, Matter and Forms of Energy, Life Science: Behavior, Growth and Changes.
What is you class schedule? When should I schedule doctor appointments?
Our daily schedule is in your packet.
How will my child be graded on the report card?
AC=Achieving the standard PR=Progressing toward the standard LP=Limited Progress
What math topics are covered in third grade common core?
Numeration, Addition & subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, volume and mass, data, time, area, perimeter, solids and shapes
Where can I learn more about the common core?
In your packet, I attached some great websites about the Common Core standards and assessments.
What Science or Social Studies field trips will you go on?
This is the second year, third grade will NOT be going to the Ohio Caverns. We will do a walking tour of Old Dublin in May, as we study the history of our community. We are working on organizing a new one that aligns to our new standards.
What is your snack policy?
We will have an afternoon snack every day. Students can bring fruit, veggies and cheese only. For birthdays, students can bring a non food item to pass out or a prepackaged snack from the peanut free list in your packet. We do have a peanut allergy in our class.
Will my child take any assessments in class? If so, how will I know?
I will send home a study guide 2 nights before any assessments that I expect students to study for (math, some science, some social studies). Students will also record upcoming tests at least 2 days prior in their plan books.
How can I monitor my childs progress in your class?
I will update Progress Book Daily. Please check the Parent Dashboard on the Dublin Schools webpage for log in info. I also send everything home, so there will never be any surprises in PB.
What the the DRA and why haven't you started reading groups?
The DRA is the Developmental Reading Assessment and it has to be given individually to each student. It will tell me what reading level each student is at and what areas I need to help the student focus on to become an even better reader. Once I am done assessing all students, I will have focused reading groups with 4-5 students at the same level in each group.