Folk tale trivia
Folk tale Trivia
A __________ is a character that often plays tricks on another character in a story. a. hero b. trickster c. clever d. wolf
What is a trickster.
features that make a person or thing special
What are qualities
Folk Literature features characters that are "all ___ or all _____" a. good; bad b. selfish;clever c. greedy;tricky
What is a. good;bad
Why does the author end the trickster tale, The Hungry Spider, with the words, "It is said that one kindness deserves another" ? a. the moral is that someone you trick might trick you in return b. the moral is to be kind to other people c. the moral is that is is bad manners to eat with your coat on
What is b. the moral is to be kind to other people
Name a trickster that we read about this week. GO!
What is __________________.
Being filled with selfish desire for more than what one needs.
What is greedy
being full of praise for onesself. one's belongings, or one's actions.
What is boastfulness.
The genre of the trickster tales we have read is ____ a. realistic fiction b. biography c. folk literature
What is c. folk literature.
What clues in the story tell you that the Turtle is a trickster character? a. He's slow and still wins the race b. He brags and plans the trick with the help of his family c. The turtle wasn't a trickster
What is b. He brags and plans the trick with the help of his family
Tell me a moral of a trickster tale we read this week.
What is _______________________.
this word means: smart.
What is clever.
Aunt Fox was a _______ character because she was able to trick Uncle Fox and Tiger. a. boastful b. clever c. selfish d. greedy
What is b. clever
True or False: Folk Literature always identifies or tells you who the author is.
What is False
List at least three character traits of a trickster: GO!!
What is 1. _________________ 2. _________________ 3. _________________
What is something you learned from a trickster tale this week.
What is ______________________
the customs, beliefs, and ways of living that belong to a group of people
What is culture.
________ and __________ were the tricksters in The Hungry Spider. a. Uncle & Aunt Fox b. Spider & Turtle c. Rabbit & Turtle
What is b. Spider and Turtle
Why does Spider invite Turtle to dinner even though he doesnt like to share food? a. Spider likes to talk to strangers and listen to stories b. Turtle is polite and Spider is the trickster c. Spider didnt invite Turtle to dinner.
What is a. Spider likes to talk to strangers and listen to stories.
What is a synonym for the word clever? a. dumb b. smart c. greedy d. sneaky
What is b. smart.
Give me an example of a moral from a trickster tale we have read this week and last week.
What is ____________________
bad behavior
What is mischief
True or False: Folk Literature originates in oral telling and is passed down from one generation to the next.
What is True.
Why are lessons or morals important in trickster tales? a. Trickster tales teach people how to behave by showing them that bad behavior isnt rewarded b. Trickster tales are funny and someone always gets hurt. c. Morals are lessons on how to be greedy
What is a. Trickster tales teach people how to behave by showing them that bad behavior isnt rewarded.
What is a synonym for the word greedy? a. selfish b. clever c. intelligent d. sweet
What is a. selfish.
Tell me a trick that was played on one of the main characters in Aunt Fox and the fried fish.
What is _____________________.