Integration in Personal Life
Career/ Education
Personal Learning Theory
Hollistic psy takes into consideration the individual's environment and _____ in order to gain a more complex and comprehensive understanding of how to attain optimal wellness
What is culture
This discipline is mainly used with Autism
What is Behvaviorism
In this discipline principles and research methods are applied to the workplace in the interest of improving productivity and the quality of work life.
What is I/O Psychology or What is industrial organizational psychology
There is a wide array of information in psychology that you need to understand to be a student of human behavior.
What is Knowledge base
He pioneered cognitive psychology
Who is Ivan Pavlov
The goal of holistic psychology is to find and use
What is natural strengths.
This is also known as a theory of self-actualization
What is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?
In this discipline the psychologist job is to assess and treat mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders.
What is Clinical Psychology
These skills involve critical thinking and reasoning.
What are Thinking Skills
John Watson is vastly known for this experiment
What is Little Albert
this theory believes that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
What is holism
The dog barks every time the garage door opens is an example
What is an unconditioned response
This discipline is based on thought processes, especially relations among learning, memory, and perception.
What is Cognitive psychology
Psychologists must be able to communicate findings to the broader scientific community; students must develop reading,writing, and presentation skills. A psychologist must posses______skills
What are Language Skills
This learning theory emphasizes the importance of active involvement of learners in constructing knowledge for themselves
What is constructivism
this is the belief that human behavior can be explained by breaking it down into smaller component parts
What is reductionism
A persons feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories that are outside of the conscious awareness.
What is the unconscious mind?
This discipline applies psychological principles to legal issues.
What is Forensic Psychology
Psychology students need to posses_____skills to be sensitive to the diversity of the environment in which they live and be able to use this increased sensitivity and self-knowledge to monitor their own behavior
What are Interpersonal Skills
This is one that unconditionally, naturally, and automatically triggers a response.
What is the unconditioned stimulus
physical, biological, chemical, social, economic, mental, linguistic are all forms of ______and their properties, should be viewed as wholes, not as collections of parts.
What is natural systems
This is when social influence involving a change in belief or behavior in order to fit in with a group
What is conformity?
This discipline involves and explores the relations between brain systems and behavior.
What is Neuropsychology
Psychology majors must possess ____and____to understand the ethical treatment of research participants, to understand conflicts of interest, and to generate options that maximize human dignity, human welfare, and the maintenance of academic and scientific integrity.
What are ethics and values
This is a school of thought in psychology based on the assumption that learning occurs through interactions with the environment
What is behaviorism