Kotter's Model
Kotter's Model
Kotter's Model
Holly and Messer learn that their two best friends’ were in a car accident that orphaned their daughter.
What is the first step in Kotter’s Model: Establish a sense of urgency
A lawyer informs Holly and Messer that they were named to be the godparents of Sophie and they agree to take on the roles.
What is the second step in Kotter’s Model: Forming a change team/coalition
Holly determined that she can get Sophie to eat her home-made food in which she finally did after many recipes
What is the sixth step in Kotter’s Model: Celebrating short term wins
Holly and Messer agreed to redecorate the house, making it their own home where they can both raise Sophie in their own way.
What is the fourth step in Kotter’s Model: Communicate the vision
The social worker reminded Holly and Messer that Sophie can not lose people close to her again.
What is the fifth step in Kotter’s Model: Empowering others to act on the vision
Holly and Messer take the time to reward themselves to a night out for dinner.
What is the sixth step in Kotter’s Model: Celebrating short term wins
Upon Messer’s return, he and Holly establish a legitimate relationship with each other and as Sophie’s parents.
What is the eighth step in Kotter’s Model: Institutionalizing new approaches
Holly and Messer create a schedule in order to organize their careers, new parenting needs and days off.
What is the fourth step in Kotter’s Model: Communicate the vision
The neighbors acted as a team and support system that assisted Holly and Messer in their transition into parenting Sophie
What is the second step Kotter’s Model: Forming a change team/coalition
After watching a home video of their late friends arguing, Holly and Messer realize that no relationship is perfect and it is okay that they are struggling.
What is the fifth step in Kotter’s Model: Empowering others to act on the vision
At first Holly is trying to teach Sophie to say her name, and after a while, comes to terms with Sophie calling her ‘mama’.
What is the seventh step in Kotter’s Model: Consolidating improvements and still producing more change