Campus Resources
Academic Resources
SNHU 101
SNHU Fun Facts
These are three SNHU student organizations.
What are American Sign Language Club Animation and Film Club Cake Decorating Club Collegiate Entrepreneurs Organization Creative Writing Club Culinary Student Association Economics/Finance Association Future Business Leaders of America: Phi Beta Lambda Game Design and Development Club History Club Hospitality Student Association Justice Studies Association Math Club Media and Design Club NH Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Psychology Student Association Reach Peer Educators Sport Management Club Style Club Environmentally Sustainable Students (ESS) Outreach Association Kappa Delta Phi Fraternity Phi Delta Psi Fraternity Phi Delta Theta Fraternity Kappa Delta Phi, NAS Sorority Phi Delta Beta Sorority Phi Omega Psi Sorority Alpha Chi/Epsilon Chapter (Liberal Arts) Alpha Phi Sigma (Criminal Justice) Alpha Sigma Lambda (Continuing Higher Education) Delta Mu Delta (Business-Related Majors) Eta Sigma Delta (International Hospitality Management Society) Order of Omega (Greek Letter Society) Phi Theta Kappa (Associates Degree Honor Society) Psi Chi (Psychology Honor Society) Enterprise Yearbook Penmen Press (Student Newspaper) Radio SNHU Beloved Community Chinese Student and Scholar Association Generation Equality International Students Association (ISA) Club Hockey Crew Club Dance Club Drama Club Field Hockey Club Gaming Club Outing Club Paintball Club Soccer Club Coordinators of Activities and Programming Events (CAPE) Inter-Greek Council (IGC) Student Government Association (SGA)
This is the maximum number of credits you can take per semester.
What is nineteen?
These are the two main services offered by the Learning Center.
What is Peer mentoring and tutoring?
These are the two final assignments for this class .
What are the SNHUfolio and the Academic Plan?
At campus events, you'll often see this guy making an appearance. He's big and hard to miss...he's our mascot!
Who is Petey the Penman?
This is the website where you can check for student events and programs on campus
This is the time when you can add/drop a class during a semester.
What is the first week?
This is the office you can visit for information on building a resume or getting an internship.
What is the Career Development Center?
These are two topics we covered in this class.
What are Diversity and Stereotypes, General Education, Study Skills, Academic Honesty, Majors and Careers, Registration, Academics at SNHU, and Values?
Looking for something different then your regular dining hall dinner? Stop by this restaurant to taste some of the food created by our culinary students.
What is The Quill?
This is the building where Public Safety is located.
What is Morissey House?
This is the document in mySNHU shows you an outline of the classes you need to take over your career at SNHU.
What is the Program Evaluation?
This is the building where the Learning Center is located.
What is Stark Hall?
The amount that attendance and in-class activities count toward your final grade for the class.
What is 25%?
He runs the show. You may know him as the President of the University.
Who is Paul LeBlanc?
This is how you find out if classes are officially cancelled due to bad weather.
What is SNHU Alerts?
This is how you sign up for an online class.
What is a petition signed by your academic advisor?
This is the building where the Career Development Center is located.
What is Chocorua Hall?
These are the two other SNHU Experience courses along with the years that you take them.
What are SNHU 303- Junior year and SNHU 404- Senior year?
SNHU's main campus is located on land in these two towns.
What are Hooksett and Manchester?
These are two services you can receive on campus for free that will be expensive after college.
What are Gym, counseling, career counseling, fitness classes, speakers/events?
It is by this time in your academic career that you must declare a major.
What is the end of your sophomore year?
These are the three schools at SNHU.
What are Education, Arts and Sciences and Business?
This is the person who came to speak to our class from the Career Development Center.
Who is Bill Jenkins?
Prior to 2001, SNHU was known by this name.
What is What is New Hampshire College?