Safe and Effective Care
Health Promotion and Maintenance
Psychosocial Integrity
Physiological Integrity
Pharmacological Integrity
What is the primary route of transmission of Hepatitis C?
What is Blood and Parenteral routes?
Which of the following vaccine is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control for people over the age of 60? 1. Shingles 2. Diphtheria 3. Pertussis ( whooping cough) 4. Meningitis
What is Shingles
A suicidal client who was admitted to the psychiatric unit for treatment and observation a week ago suddenly appears cheerful and motivated. The nurse should be aware of which of the following? 1. The client is likely sleeping well because of the medication 2. The client has made new friends and has a support group 3.The client may have finalized suicide plan. 4. The client is responding to treatment is no longer depressed
What is "The client may have finalized suicide plan."
The nurse prepares a client for peritoneal dialysis. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? 1. Assess for a thrill and bruit. 2. Warm the dialysate solution. 3. Position the client on the left side. 4. Insert a Foley catheter
What is "Warm the dialysate solution."
A 13 year old girl was diagnosed with asthma two years ago. Today her Physician wants to start her on salmeterol (Servent) administered via inhaler. The nurse needs to remember to include which statement when teaching the girl and her family about this drug? 1. It should be taken at the first sign of an asthma attack 2. The dosage is 2 puffs every 4 hours or any time needed for asthma attacks. 3. This inhaler is for prevention of asthma attacks not for an acute attack. 4. Be sure to take a steroid inhaler first
What is, "This inhaler is for prevention of asthma attacks not for an acute attack"
The nursing team consists of one RN, two LPN, and three nursing assistants. The RN should care for which of the following clients? 1. A client with a chest tube who is ambulating in the hall. 2. A client with a colostomy who requires assistance with the colostomy irrigation. 3. A client with the right sided CVA who requires assistance with bathing. 4. A client who's refusing medication to treat cancer the colon.
What is " A client who's refusing medication to treat cancer the colon."
Which of the following main courses should the nurse recommend for a teenager whose cholesterol level is 300 mg/dl? 1.Medium rare hamburger with one slice of cheese 2.Vegetarian New York Style pizza. 3. Grilled chicken breast. 4. Salad with extra dressing.
What is grilled chicken breast?
Which of the following statements by a client during a group therapy session requires immediate followup by the nurse? 1. "I know I'm a chronically compulsive liar but I can't help it" 2. "I don't ever want to go home I feel safer here" 3. I don't really care is I ever see my girlfriend again. maker from again 4. I'll make sure that doctors is sorry for what he said
What is I'll make sure that doctors is sorry for what he said
The nurse is taking care of an adult client with a long bone fracture. The nurse encourages the client to move fingers and toes hourly, to change positions slightly every hour, and two eat high iron foods. Which of the following food or beverages should the nurse advise the client to avoid well on bed rest? 1. Fruit juices. 2. Large amounts of milk or milk products. 3. Cranberry juice cocktail 4. For no need to avoid any fruits one bed rest.
What is "Large amounts of milk or milk products"
A patient has a new prescription for a beta blocker as part of treatment for hypertension. The nurse is reviewing the patients current medications and notes that there may be a concern regarding interactions with which medication? 1.Thyroid hormone supplement 2.Antibiotic for sinus infection 3. Oral hypoglycemic for type II diabetes 4. Oral contraceptive
What is "oral hypoglycemic for type II diabetes
The physician verbally orders a medication for a client during an emergency code. Which of the following should the nurse do? 1. Retrieve the medication and administer it 2. Write the order down, retrieve the medication and administer it 3. Read the order to another nurse, have the nurse retrieve the medication and stay with the client 4. Repeat the order back to the physician and administer it
What is "repeat the order back to the physician and administer it "
The nurse is teaching a young male client to recognize the most common early sign of testicular cancer The nurse emphasizes that he should e aware of which of the following? 1. Lumbar Pain 2. Urinary frequency 3. Urinary urgency 4. Painless testicular enlargement
What is painless testicular enlargement
A woman is hospitalized with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. While she is client activities room on the psychiatric unit she flirts with male clients and disrupts unit activities. Which of the following approaches would be the most appropriate for the nurse to take? 1. Set limits on the clients behavior and remind her of the rules 2. Distract the client and escort her back to her room. 3. Instruct the other clients to ignore the clients behavior. 4. Tell the client is behaving inappropriately and send her to her room
What is Distract the client and escort her back to her room
The nurse has been assigned to an adult male client who is < 24 hours post op. In report, the nurse learns he is anxious, and has had pain medication as ordered. Which of the following non drug nursing interventions should the nurse include when caring for this client? 1. Assure the client his anxiety understandable, because the pain medication needs time to take effect. 2. Assess other clients first giving this client time to relax before evaluating his level of pain. 3. Call the clients Physician to increase the amount or frequency of pain medications ordered. 4. Provide a quiet environment offer repositioning, straighten the bed linens, offer fluids, and assess his pain level
What is "Provide a quiet environment offer repositioning, straighten the bed linens, offer fluids, and assess his pain level "
Booth a patient with coronary artery spasms will be most effectively treated with which type of anti-anginal medication? 1. Beta blockers 2. Calcium channel blockers 3. Nitrates 4. Nitrites
What is Calcium channel blockers
The nursing team consists of an RN, an LPN and a nursing assistant. The nurse should assign which of the following clients to the LPN. 1. A 72 year-old client with diabetes who requires a dressing change for a stasis ulcer. 2. A 42. year old client with cancer of the bone complaining of pain 3. 55 year-old client with terminal cancer being transferred to hospice home care 4. A 23 year-old client with a fracture of the right leg who requests to use the urinal.
What is A "42. year old client with cancer of the bone complaining of pain"
The nurse is educating an other about possible dangers signs during the last three months of pregnancy. Which of the following would not cause the nurse concern about danger signs? 1. Rectal Bleeding 2. Continuous headaches 3. Marked swelling of hands 4. Blurred vision
What is Rectal Bleeding
A client who is hospitalized for treatment of delusions tells the nurse, he really is the head of the hospital system and that his "cover" is being a client to get information on client abuse. Which of the following statements by the nurse is best initially? 1. Tell me what you mean about being head of the hospital system and getting client abuse information 2. I think you should share the story with the other clients at dinner time and see what they say. 3. You're not the head of the hospital system you are an accountant under treatment for mental disorder. 4. It worries me when you say these things it means you are not responding to the medication
What is Tell me what you mean about being head of the hospital system and getting client abuse information
The client has experienced multiple episodes of hyperglycemia not manageable by subq insulin injections. The client has an active order for infusion of an insulin drip to be discontinued at bedtime, after which the client is NPO. The clients most recent blood sugar level taken at 3:00 PM was 60. Which of the following actions by the nurse is the most appropriate? 1. The nurse should follow the order and allow the insulin to infuse until that time. 2. The nurse should recheck the clients blood sugar. 3. The nurse should bring his blood sugar level to the physicians attention and discuss stopping the infusion. 4. The nurse should seek advice from other nurses.­
What is "the nurse should bring his blood sugar level to the physicians attention and discuss stopping the infusion"?
The patient is admitted to the emergency room with dehydration. The Physician orders 3000 ml LR to infuse over 24 hours. The IV tubing has a drip factor of 10 gtts/ml. The nurse should calibrate the IV to infuse at how many gtts/ minute. 1. 17 gtts/ min 2. 21 gtts/min 3. 22 gtts/min 4. 35 gtts/min
What is "21 gtts/min"
A nurse in the outpatient clinic evaluates the Mantoux test of a client whose history indicates has been treated for an AIDS related infection during the past year. The nurse should document that there was a positive reaction if there's an area in duration measuring which of the following? 1. 3mm 2. 7 mm 3. 11 mm 4. 15 mm
What is 7 mm
The nurse visits a neighbor who is 20 weeks gestation. The neighbor complains of nausea, headache and blurred vision. The nurse notes that the neighbor appears nervous, is diaphoretic, and is experiencing tremors. It would be most important for the nurse to ask which of the following questions? 1. Are you having menstrual like cramps? 2. When did you last eat or drink? 3. Have you been diagnosed with diabetes? 4. Have you been lying on the couch?
What is "when did you last eat or drink?",
The nurse is caring for a client hospitalized for observation after a fall. The client states, "My friend fell last year and no one thought anything was wrong, and she died two days later." Which of the following responses by the nurse is best? 1. "This happens to quite a few people." 2. "We are monitoring you, so you'll be OK." 3. "Don't you think I am taking good care of you?" 4. "You're concerned that might happen to you?"
What is, "You're concerned that might happen to you?"
A 69 year-old client admitted with pneumonia is receiving gentamycin (Garamycin). For this client which of the following laboratory values would be most important for the nurse to monitor? 1. BUN and creatinine 2. Hemoglobin and hematocrit 3. LFTs 4. PTT
What is "BUN and creatinine"
During teaching of a patient who will be taking warfarin (Coumadin), which statement by the nurse is correct to regarding Over-the-counter drug use? 1. Choose non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs as needed for pain relief 2. Aspirin products may increase anticoagulant affect. 3. Vitamin E therapy is recommended to improve the effect of warfarin 4. Mineral oil is the laxative of choice while taking anticoagulants
What is "aspirin products may increase anticoagulant affect"?