Who wore number 23 for the Chicago Bulls in 1984-1993
Michael Jordan
John Wick Actor
Keanu Reeves
What year did Outer Banks first come out
Who is the Disney mascot
Finish the lyrics “Is this the real life ____________”
Is this just fantasy
Besides the Lakers and Celtics, which NBA team has the most titles
Golden State Warriors
Who played the main character in the Hateful Eight
Samuel L. Jackson, Ryan Reynolds, or Channing Tatum
Samuel L. Jackson
What city is the Simpsons located in
What was the first disney movie
Snow White
Who is the artist that came out with the american hip hop song “power”
Kanye West
Which team has the most Stanley Cups
Montreal Canadiens
Who kills Thanos at the beginning of Avengers Endgame
Who is the official mascot of Warner Bros. Entertainment
Bugs Bunny
Which park at Disney World is the largest
Animal Kingdom
Which Pink Floyd album features a prism on the cover
Dark Side of The Moon
What is the oldest team in the NFL
Arizona Cardinals
What kind of pet does Harry Potter have and what is her name
Hedwig the Owl
When Spongebob is staying indoors because of his accidents, he is huddled around a chip, a tissue, and what
What is the newest disney movie
The Little Mermaid
What singer holds the world record for most words in a hit single
Busta Rhymes, 50 CENT, Kanye West, Eminem
Who won the 2014 Super Bowl
Seattle Seahawks
What is Jack Blacks real name
Thomas Black
Who plays Larry David in Curb Your Enthusiasm
Larry David
Who was the first ever disney character created
Oswald the Rabbit
How many members did the Spice Girls originally have