The Cinema

What do need to buy to get into the cinema?

You need to buy tickets.

This type of film is very funny and makes you laugh.
Funny films are called comedies.
What is your favourite television programme?
My favourite television programme is...
Have you ever been to the theatre?
Yes, I have/No, I haven't.
What is your favourite film? Why?
My favourite film is...

Where can you buy tickets for the cinema?

You can buy tickets at the box office or online.


This type of film is sometimes futuristic and usually has a strange theme or plot.

This type of film is a science fiction film.

Which do you prefer - watching television or watching a film? Why?
I prefer to watch .... because...
When you go to the theatre, you go to see this.
I go to the theatre to see a play.
Do you like to watch cartoons? What is your favourite cartoon?
Yes, I do/No, I don't. My favourite cartoon is...

Name three foods or drinks that you can have while watching a film at the cinema.

I can have sweets, popcorn, fizzy drinks, etc.


This type of film is sometimes silly but is about two people falling in love.

This type of film is a romantic film.

Do you ever watch television in English? Why or why not?
Yes, I do/No I don't because...

This is a special type of theatre production where the actors sing.

This type of production is called a musical.

Do you like dubbed films? Do you like films with subtitles? Do you prefer to watch films in English or in Spanish? Why?
Yes, I like dubbed films/No, I don't like dubbed films. Yes, I like films with subtitles/No, I don't like films with subtitles. I prefer to watch movies in English/Spanish because...
When at the cinema, this is where they show the movie.
They show the movie on the screen.
What was the last film you saw at the cinema? What was it about? Did you like it?
The last film I saw at the cinema was... It was about... Yes, I liked it/No, I didn't like it.
How often do you watch television per week?
I watch television ... times per week.
Describe the last play that you saw.
The last play I saw was called... It was very cool/interesting/terrible because...

If you were an actor or actress, what kind of film would you like to be in? Why?

If I were an actor/actress, I would like to be in a scary/funny/romantic etc. movie because...

When a film is in a different language (like English!) you can read these at the bottom of the screen in Spanish.
At the bottom of the screen are subtitles.
What is the next film you would like to see at the cinema? Why? What is it about?
The next film I would like to see is... I would like to see this film because... The film is about...
Do you like to watch game shows? If so, what is your favourite game show? Who do you watch it with?
I like to watch game shows/I don't like to watch game shows. My favourite game show is... I watch it with...
This is a very elegant type of theatre where people dress up nicely (in tuxedos and dresses) and the actors and actresses sing in Italian or German or French.
This type of theatre is called an opera.
If you could make your own movie, what would it be about?
If I could make my own movie, it would be about... (monsters/princesses) who .... and ... etc.