The famous actress who played Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. a) Jennifer Lopez b) Judy Garland c) Sherley Temple d) Lizzy Bernard
Who is Judy Garland
The famous movie of 1939 that featured a tin man, girl from Kansas, and an evil witch. a) The Wizard of Oz b) The Excorcist c) Men in Black d) Mr.Linville's Problem II
What is The Wizard of Oz
The famous song From Jack McCormack. a.) A pair of Blue Eyes b.) To my Mammy c.) Diamonds d.) L and L go to the beach
What is A pair of Blue Eyes
A famous game, played with a rock, chalk and feet. a) Monopoly b) Football c) Hopscotch d) Wheel of fortune
What is Hopscotch
The famous jazz singer who sang "It don't mean a thing (If it aint got swing)" (1932) a.) Duke Ellington b.) Norman Butterfield c.) JayWuan Loveantehdklhdiofhokjdkfn,fmknki d.) Frank Eayton
Who is Duke Ellington
The star of the film "Mr.Smith Goes To Washington." a.) Mr. Smith b.) Jimmy Stewert c.) L dog d.) Barack Obama
Who is Jimmy Stewert
A famous american drama of 1939 that stars Sherley Temple. a) Mr.Linville's Problem IV: The Revenge of Megan b) The Little Princess c) The Little Mermaid d) King Kong
What is The Little Princess
The popular music replaces the sweet form of jazz in 1935 onward. a) Rap b) Classical c) Swing d) Country
What is Swing
A game where there is a hider and seeker. a) Seek and Hide b) Hide and Seek c) Tag d) Hopscotch
What is Hide and Seek
The singer of the song "Cherokee." a.) Art Weems b.) Freddy Kruger c.) Ray Noble d.) Mr. Abraham
Who is Ray Noble
The years Sherley Temple was most famous for her movies and T.V shows. a) 2034-2035 b) 1664-1727 c) 1942-1952 d) 1934-1938
What is 1934-1938
The famous movie that featured a mean witch with a poison apple. a) The Wizard of Oz b) Mr.Linville's Problem III c) SnowWhite and The Seven Dwarfs d) The Hunger Games
What is SnowWhite and The Seven Dwarfs
The type of music that was famous for elegance. a.) Rock b.) Blues c.) Orchestra d.) Rap
What is Orchestra
This is a game where there is a circle, ducks, and a goose.
What is Duck, duck, goose.
A famous singer/ dancer of the 1930s a.) Earl Burnett b.) Fred Astaire c.) Chris Brown d.) Tramontre Davis
Who is Fred Astaire
The actor who starred as "Robin Hood," in "Richard, the Lion-Hearted," and starred in the movie "The Champ." a.) Orlando Bloom b.) Wallace Berry c.) Sherley Temple d.) John Garfield
Who is Wallace Berry
the famous movie starring Vivian Leigh, Clark Gable, and Leslie Howard. a) Mr. Linville's Problem V b) King Kong c) Gone With The Wind d) The little Princess
What is Gone With The Wind
The songs of cowboys and the "old west." a.) Rap b.) Country c.) Jazz d.) Folk
What is Country Music
A game where people lock arms and send somebody over to the other side.
What is Red Rover.
The singer who sang the most famous song "In the Mood" a.) Larry Clinton b.) Tommy Dorsey c.) Usher d.) Glenn Miller
Who is Glenn Miller
The Co-Star of "Gone With the Wind," starred with Clark Gable. a.) Lindsay Lohan b.) William Powell c.) Leslie Howard d.) Mark Wahlberg
Who is Leslie Howard
This is the movie that starred a giant ape that that falls in love with a girl. a.) Jurrasic Park b.) Gone With the Wind c.) Mr. Linville's Problem VII d.) King Kong
What is King Kong
"Animal crackers in my soup, monkeys and rabbits, loop da loop" Who sang this song a) rhianan b) sheirly temple \c) brian schaler d) usher
What is Sherley Temple
"A word game in which 2 to 4 players score points by forming words from individual lettered tiles on a gameboard marked with a 15-15 grid." a.) Buccaneer b.) Scrabble c.) Sorry! d.) Trouble
What is Scrabble
The famous singer who sang the all-time ranked 70th best song ever "Strange Fruit." a.) Billie Holiday b.) Art Tatum c.) Duke Ellington d.) Mr. Linville
Who is Billie Holiday