Business Model Canvas

This resource category involves financial assets, such as investments and credit, that a business can use to fund operations and growth initiatives.

What are Financial Resources?


This legal concept involves the protection of ideas and creations of the mind, including copyrights, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets.  

What is intellectual property?


This physical resource includes cars, trucks, or delivery vans used by a business to transport goods or employees.  

What are vehicles?


This type of resource refers to the individuals who work for a company, bringing their skills and expertise to help achieve business goals.

What are Human Resources?


This strategic tool visualizes the key components of a business, including value propositions, customer segments, and revenue streams, all on a single page.

What is a Business Model Canvas?


This term refers to the money that entrepreneurs use to start and run their business.

What is capital?


This type of intellectual property protects original works of authorship, such as books, music, and software, from unauthorized use.  

What is copyright?


These resources include cash, equipment, and buildings that a business uses to operate and grow.

What are Physical Resources?


This term refers to the skills, knowledge, and experience possessed by an individual that contribute to their value as an employee.

What is Human Capital?


This section of the Business Model Canvas describes the value a company delivers to its customers and why customers should choose it over competitors.  

What is the Value Proposition?


When a business owner uses their own savings to fund their startup, it is called this type of financing.

What is self-funding?


This type of intellectual property includes symbols, names, or logos used to identify and distinguish a company's products or services.  

What is a trademark?


This physical resource includes tools and machinery used in the production of goods or services, such as computers, printers, and factory machines.

 What is equipment?


This type of human capital investment focuses on enhancing employees' skills and knowledge to improve their performance and career growth.  

What is training and development?


This component of the Business Model Canvas describes the various ways a company delivers its value proposition to customers, such as through online platforms or physical stores.  

What are Channels?


This financial resource involves borrowing money from a bank or lender with the promise to repay it over time with interest.  

What is a loan?


This form of intellectual property grants exclusive rights to an inventor for a new and useful invention for a certain period of time.  

What is a patent?


This term refers to the stock of materials and finished goods that a business keeps on hand to meet customer demand.  

What is inventory?


Handles a variety of HR tasks, including recruitment, employee onboarding, performance management, and compliance.

What is a HR Generalist?


In the Business Model Canvas, this section details the ways a company will generate revenue from its customers, including sales, subscriptions, and leasing.

What is Revenue Streams?


This type of funding involves raising small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via online platforms.  

What is crowdfunding?


This type of intellectual property refers to confidential business information that gives a company a competitive edge, such as formulas or processes.

What is a trade secret?


This vehicle, a physical asset, is used for transporting goods to customers, suppliers, or other locations, and it represents a significant investment in the company's operations.

What is a delivery truck?


This concept explains the positive relationship between employee satisfaction and productivity, highlighting the importance of a happy workforce.

What is Employee Engagement?


This term refers to the money that a business earns from its operations, often used to fund expenses and investments.

What is Revenue?