Fresh Bloods
James Deans
Johnny Appleseeds
Destiny Grabbers
Cooks using all Burners
A fresh blood organization that recruits and trains Ivy League graduates to teach in urban settings.
What is Teach for America?
Crackerjacks and ball-busters.
What are two other names given to James Dean entrepreneurs?
A joint effort to train new school leaders by Chicago Public Schools, Northwestern University, and the union that represents principals in Chicago Public Schools.
What is LAUNCH?
Rather than viewing sanctions for repeated failure as punishment, these destiny grabbers are in the business of making lemons into lemonade.
Who are teachers administrators and parents who use accountability measures as a tool to turn around their own struggling schools?
After taking over the helm of Philadelphia’s schools in 2002, he welcomed EMO governance and allowed several universities to operate public schools.
Who is Paul Vallas?
This fresh blood organization brings top professionals into New York schools for second careers in education.
What is the New York City Teaching Fellows program?
Serving their students by any means necessary.
What is the underlying assumption that guides the James Deans?
The place where LAUNCH participants take summer courses
What is Northwestern University’s Kellogg Business School?
Teachers at this school in San Diego voted to launch a turnaround plan that included an extended school day, smaller classes, and Saturday tutoring for struggling students.
What is Gompers Middle School?
This software giant was empowered to build a Philadelphia school by Vallas, an “all burners” entrepreneur.
What is Microsoft?
He left his job as a corporate lawyer for Citigroup to take on the nations largest school system.
Who is Harold Levy?
In 2003, describing how difficult it was to remove bad teachers, he told New York Magazine “It’s impossible to prove incompetency.”
Who is Anthony Lombardi?
He said the goal of LAUNCH is to create a critical mass of “change agents” with the promise of transforming individual schools and—potentially—the entire system.
Who is Albert Bertini?
This San Diego superintendent described the Gompers turnaround project as “a magical six weeks in San Diego.”
Who is Alan Bersin?
He turned New York into one of the most advantageous places in the country for entrepreneurial types to locate.
What is Joel Klein?
The Fullbright Scholar and New York Teaching Fellow who was derided for planning to teach violin to struggling students.
Who is Zelman Bokser?
Lombardi told them, “I’ve been unethical. I made my school better, but I have made your system even worse.”
Who is the New York City Council’s Education Committee?
He boasted how his experience dealing with “jerk managers” made him set the bar high for what school leaders trained through New York’s Leadership Academy would do.
Who is former General Electric CEO Jack Welch?
This San Diego School Board trustee noted that turning a failing school into a charter school is a beginning, not an end.
Who is John de Beck?
This mayor launched a program to end the practice of social-promotion the third grade, prompting development of the Summer Success Academy.
Who is Michael Bloomberg?
This Stanford academic argues that fresh bloods are not as effective as traditionally trained and certified teachers.
Who is Linda Darling-Hammond?
She started Milwaukee’s first year-round school and publicly scolded central office personnel at an awards banquet for making things extremely difficult.
Who is Mary Beth Minkley?
He conducted monthly meetings for San Diego principals through a district-sponsored training entity called the Institute for Learning!
Who is Anthony Alvarado?
This New York teachers' union took the unusually entrepreneurial step of applying for and opening its own experimental charter school.
What is the United Federation of Teachers?
Joel Klein sought their help to recruit new school leaders.
Who are New Leaders for New Schools and Teach for America?