What does it mean to be an entrepreneur?
You are your own boss and you own a business
What is a customer?
A customer is someone who buys your product or pays for your service.
What is a product?
A product is an item that you can hold in your hand and use like an item of clothing or a car.
What is professionalism?
Professionalism means being responsible, having integrity, accountability, working hard, and trying your best when you are at work.
What are the 3 main things to remember when making a marketing display?
1. Make it neat and organized
2. Like goes with like
3. Products have price tags that are easy for customers to see
What are benefits?
Benefits are situations or outcomes that are the good part of owning a business.
What is a risk?
Risk is the possibility that something bad or unpleasant could happen. When you start a business, you risk losing money if your business doesn't do well.
What is a service?
A service is a skill that you have that you can use to help people or make their lives easier.
What should you wear in a professional workplace?
-work appropriate
Different workplaces have different dress codes. Be sure to wear clothes that are appropriate for the job you are doing.
What are two things you can do to beautify your display?
1. Use a nice table or table cloth
2. Use baskets, trays, and other items to display products
What are some of the benefits of being an entrepreneur?
Benefits include:
-rewarding career
-all the money you earn is your own
-you get to make all the decisions
-you make your own schedule
-feeling of accomplishment
What is marketing?
Marketing is how you advertise your business to customers.
Is a sticker a product or service?
Stickers are a product because you can hold them in your hand.
What does it mean to be an expert in your field?
It means learning as much as you can about your job so that you are knowledgeable about your profession.
What are the three parts of a sales pitch?
1. What it is
2. How it was made
3. What it can be used for
What are challenges?
Challenges are situations that are hard and are typically considered to be the downside or bad part of owning your own business.
What is profit?
Profit is the amount of money you have left over after you subtract your costs from your prices.
Price - Cost=Profit
Give 3 examples of products you could sell.
Anything that is a product that is sold anywhere (candles, clothes, dog biscuits etc.)
What are some professional ways you can interact with your coworkers?
Accept any reasonable answer.
-talk about work related topics
-give them praise when they do a good job
-collaborate with them on work projects
-be kind to everyone at work
Give a practice sales pitch for candles.
Answer should include
1. What it is: a candle
2. How it was made: we poured wax into jars with wicks
3. What can it be used for: gifts, making your room smell good
What are some of the challenges of being an entrepreneur?
-you have to spend your own money
-you have all the responsibility
-if you need help, you have to spend money to hire someone
-you have to take risks in order to be successful
What is a business plan?
A business plan is a document that describes, in steps, what you will do to try and be successful.
A business plan is a map to success.
Give 3 examples of services you could do.
Anything that is a service (ex. car washing, baby sitting, dog walking)
What are some unprofessional ways to interact with coworkers that you should not do at work?
Accept any reasonable answer.
- Hug or kiss your coworker
- Make fun of them
- Make them feel left out
- Talk badly about coworkers or your boss
Give a practice sales pitch for Beacons Dog Biscuits
Answer should include
1. What it is: dog biscuits
2. How it was made: we made them from scratch
3. Wha it can be used for: gifts or to treat your dog