Emergency Operations Plan
Patient Care Environment
Fire Safety

The Glucometer control solution stability after opening. 

What is 3 months after opening, or until the manufacturer's expiration date, which ever comes first. 


Location of Goshen Health's Emergency Operations Plan. 

On PolicyTech, the first topic listed in the department search bar. 


TRUE OR FALSE: Nurse pull cords in bathrooms are allowed to be wrapped around grab bars. 

What is False, patient is unable to reach a pull cord wrapped around a grab bar if they have fallen on the ground. 

The response to a fire is R.A.C.E. what does the 'A' stand for? 

What is 'Alarm', Colleagues should pull the nearest fire alarm pull station and call 3333 (*Outpatient buildings dial 911). 


The date to be written after opening control solutions. 

What is the discard date. Written as month, day, year: mm/dd/yy


Emergency Operation Plan defines the response for what concerns? 

What is how to respond to internal and external concerns. Such as hospital evacuation, or severe weather such as tornados or flooding. 


TRUE OR FALSE: Nurse pull cords should be 2 to 6 inches from the floor. 

What is True, nothing should ever be touching the ground when it is used for patient care. The Joint Commission considers the ground to be dirty. 


The response to a fire is R.A.C.E. what does the 'C' stand for? 

What is 'Contain', doors should be shut to contain the smoke and fire and prevent it from spreading. 

Process for solutions that do not have discard date. 

What is discard the control solution and retrieve new solution. Then write the discard date of 3 months on the new solutions.  


Emergency Operation Plan is to guide which Colleagues in an emergency? 

What is all Colleagues, including Medical Staff, Nursing, Operating Room, Diagnostic radiology and imaging, pharmacy, respiratory therapy, EVS, etc. 


What is a concern with blanket warmers with lint build up?

What is a fire hazard, the bottom shelf of blanket warmers should be routinely cleaned to prevent lint build up. 


The use of fire extinguishers is P.A.S.S. what does the 'P' stand for? 

What is 'Pull', the pin must be pulled from the extinguisher in order to activate.