
What would the victim be at risk of getting if the wound gets infected?



Describe dehydration in your own words

When a person loses water or fluids from heat exposure, exercise, illness, or decreased fluid intake Can lead to shock.


What body parts are most likely to get frost-bite?

Fingers, nose, toes, ears


What is poison?

Anything that someone swallows or breathes, or that gets into the eyes or on the skin that causes sickness or death


Name 3 symptoms that someone may show if they get stung by a venomous spider or scorpion

Redness/itching, muscle cramps, fever, vomiting, breathing problems, seizures, lack of response


What are some symptoms of a heat-related emergency?

  • Weakness 

  • Thirst, dry mouth 

  • Dizziness 

  • Confusion 


What should you NOT do when someone is experiencing hypothermia?

Have them take a hot shower immediately (this can cause shock). You should gradually warm them up.


List at least 2 questions you may be asked when you call poison control centre

what the name of the poison is

if you can describe it or name it

how much the victim touched or swallowed or breathed in

how old the person is

how much the person weighs

when the accident happened

how the person is feeling now


What is a step you should do if someone gets bitten by a marine animal?

1. Remove tentacles or stingers off with gloves or towel

2. Rinse injured area with hot water for at least 30 seconds with vinegar or baking soda and water solution (alternative)

3. Put area in hot water for as long as possible (min 20 minutes) until pain goes away


What should you do if someone is experiencing a heat stroke? (list at least 3)

  • Have the victim remove as much clothing as possible 

  • Cool the person with water spray or place a cool, damp cloth on neck armpits and groin (areas with most body heat) 

  • If they can drink something, drink something with sugar and electrolytes

  • Heat Stroke is serious and can be life threatening

  • Call 911, get first aid and AED 


Actions to take? (list at least 3)

  • Call 911

  • Move person to WARM place not immediately to hot 

  • Remove any wet or tight clothing and get the person dry and covered in a blanket 

  • Remove tight rings or bracelets front he frostbitten part 

  • Don’t try to thaw the frozen body part it can cause damage 


List at least 3 actions to take for a poison-related emergency

  • After putting on PPE, move person from scene to place with fresh air 

  • Wash or remove poison from person’s skin and clothing 

  • Remove any jewelry that the posion may have touched 

  • Run the affected are with lots of water 

  • Eye affected: Rinse eye, ask person to blink as much as possible while rinsing