Evolution and Change
Species Interactions
Community Ecology and Stability
Biodiversity pt. 2
Biological Evolution by chance is called 

What is Genetic Drift ?


Define Symbiosis. 

What is a long-lasting and physically close relationship that benefits at least one organism.


Give an example of a producer and a consumer. 

What is a plant and a fox?


List the three biodiversity levels in order from broadest to least. 

What is Ecosystem, Species, Genetic diversity?


The definition of extirpation.

What is the disappearance of a particular population from a given area, but not of the entire species globally?


Natural selection is the process by which traits that improve an organism's chance of survival and  _______________ are passed on more frequently to a future generation than those who do not. 

What is reproduction?


Define mutualism and commensalism and give an example. 

What is two or more species benefiting-  Pollination: The pollinators receive food, and plants are pollinated and reproduce.

Commensalism: One species benefits the other is not harmed. Palo verde trees keep the soil moist, so young plants germinate and grow in the desert soil.


The amount of energy that is actually transferred from one trophic level to the next.

What is only 10% each level?


Two benefits of biodiversity

What is resistance and resiliency to change? 


What is the greatest cause of biodiversity loss today?

Habitat Change and fragmentation


The 4 mechanisms of evolution

What is Mutation, Genetic Drift, Natural Selection and Migration 


The difference between a niche and habitat. 

What is a niche is an organism’s use of resources of the habitat and its functional role in a community where as a habitat is just where the organism lives. 


The diagram that would best describe and show the energy transfer between organisms in an ecosystem.

What is the energy pyramid?


The three things the Endangered Species Act says.

First, endangered species and their habitats are protected from harm. Second, trading endangered species or products made from endangered species is not allowed. Third, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service must maintain records of threatened and endangered species and develop recovery plans for each listed species.


The outcome of debt for nature swap 

What is the lessening of a developing nation’s international debt and the protection of natural areas within the developing nation?

The definition of adaptation and give an example?

What is  A heritable trait that increases an individual’s fitness?


 Compare and contrast predation and parasitism.

What is both predation and parasitism are interactions between individuals of two species, where an individual of one species is harmed. Predation results in the death of one of the organisms in the relationship, while parasitism does not immediately kill the prey. It will slowly take away the nutrients from the prey and it will eventually die?


Invasive species occur when 

What is a species only becomes invasive when such limiting factors as predators, parasites or competitors are not present in its new environment, allowing the population to grow unchecked. If nonnative species populations increase rapidly and they spread and displace native species, they are considered invasive.


Which type of habitat would have greater species diversity—a small forest or a large field of corn? Why?

What is a small forest would have greater species diversity than a cornfield because species diversity tends to increase with diversity of habitats. A field consisting of just corn is a fairly uniform habitat. A forest, on the other hand, consists of more plant types and ecological niches, and thus could support a larger variety of species?


List 4 ways biodiversity can be lossed.

What is habitat alteration, invasive species, overharvesting, or pollution?


The definition of fitness

What is How reproductively successful an organism is in its environment?


What is resource partitioning and how is it an adaptation to competition?

Provide an example.

What is in resource partitioning, competing species adapt by dividing the resource they use in common by specializing in different ways. For example, different species of birds that feed on insects from tree trunks may specialize in particular insects on different parts of the tree.


Compare and contrast primary succession and secondary succession.

What is both establish new ecological communities. In primary succession, pioneer species begin to grow on bare rock, sand, or sediment. Other plants and insects move in as soil begins to form. In secondary succession, vegetation begins to grow after a disturbance that has not completely destroyed the prior environment. 


Define biodiversity hotspots and explain why they are important. 

What is a region that supports an especially high number of endemic species and is rapidly losing biodiversity. They can serve as a tool to measure human impact on biodiversity and a guide on where to put resources. 


Many protected animals are lost to poaching. The main motivation behind poaching is

what is many protected animals or animal parts can be sold illegally for large sums of money?