Environment Vocab
Environment Adj. and Verbs
Last Week

(Dora) What is the word for the air from the fire?


Is smoke good to breathe?


(James) What phrasal verb means "to improve" ?

To get better!

Bonus 50 points: Can you use "get better" in a sentence?


(Dora) What is the verb for when lots of air comes out of your nose?
(Hint: it sounds like achoo!)

To sneeze!

Can you use sneeze in a sentence?


(James) What kind of pollution bothers you the most? Why?

(Hint: Bothers means to annoy!)

Air pollution? Water pollution? Something else? Why does it bother you?


(James) What is the word for dirty air in the city, caused by cars or factories?


Why is smog bad?


(Dora) What is the opposite of right?


Bonus 50 points: Can you use right and wrong in a sentence?


(James) What is the phrasal verb for when you remove trash?

You throw away the trash!

Bonus 50 points: What is the phrasal verb for when you move the trash outside of your house?


(Dora) Would you rather the weather be very hot, or very cold? Why?

I would rather have the weather be very hot because...

I would rather have the weather be very cold because...


(Dora) What is the place that is very green and full of plants and animals?

The rainforest!

Bonus 50 points: Name 3 things you can see in the rainforest. 


(James) What is the phrasal verb for when you think of a new idea?

To come up with (something)!

Bonus 50 points: Can you use "come up with" in a sentence?


(James) Is it important to be clean? Why or why not?

It is important to be clean because...
It is not important to be clean because...


(Dora) Is it important to protect the rainforests in the world? Why or why not?

(Hint: Protect means to keep something safe!)

It is important to protect the rainforests, because...

It is not important to protect the rainforests, because...


(James) What is the word for the weather around the world, over a long time?


Bonus 50 points: Tell me 3 things you know about the climate.


(Dora) What verb means to make something different? 

To change!

Bonus 50 points: Can you use change in a sentence?


(Dora) Do you like to tidy up your room? Why/why not?

I like to tidy my room because...
I do not like to tidy my room because...


(James) What is the most important environmental issue these days? Why?

I think the most important environmental issue is_____, because...

(example: pollution, global warming, fossil fuels, etc.)


(Dora and James) Name 3 different kinds of renewable energy!

Solar power (sun)
Wind power
Hydro power (water)

Bonus 50 points: What is the opposite of renewable energy? Can you give an example?


(Dora and James) Fill in the blanks:

We should ______ our plastic trash so it does not _____ the Earth. 

We should recycle our plastic trash so it does not pollute the Earth.


(James and Dora) Say as many cleaning supplies you can think of!
You have thirty seconds.

Broom, mop, sponge, brush, soap, trash bag...


(Dora and James) Are you worried about climate change? What can we do to slow down the changes? 

Can we use fewer cars? Take more public transportation? Use more renewable energy (like solar power or wind power)? What are your ideas?