The Earth is surrounded by a layer of gases called what?
the atmosphere
How can the forests affect temperatures?
The forests take in CO2 and release oxygen so they keep a balanced temperature
This gas adds more warmth to the atmosphere than any other gas.
Name one thing that is happening/will happen due to global warming.
Rising sea levels, species loss, increased disease, flooding, drought, melting glaciers, ect.
translate gaz d’échappement
exhaust fumes
What percentage of the Earth's surface is water?
about 70%
The temperature rises because the sun’s heat and light is trapped (= piégé, emprisoné) in the earth’s atmosphere. What is the name for this occurrence?
greenhouse effect (= gaz à effet de serre)
What do humans do to cause global warming? give 2 answers
pollution, mining, cattle rearing, deforestation,
how much garbage/litter/rubbish does an average Swiss person throw out each year?
a) 100 kg b) 350 kg c) 700 kg d) 1000 kg
c) 700 kg
translate : jeter
throw away
What is the largest rain forest on Earth?
the Amazon rainforest
Scientists predict that Arctic summers could be ice free by what year? a) 2030 b) 2050 c) 2060
2030 (or sooner)
The polar icecaps are melting rapidly due to climate change. What furry white animal could be extinct in 80 years?
the polar bears
When will one-fourth (= 1/4) of the world's plant and vertebrate animal species be extinct ? a) around 2035 b) around 2075 c) around 2100 c) 3000
b) 2075
translate : gaspiller
What word describes the clearing of Earth's forests on a massive scale, often resulting in damage to the quality of the land.
Name three ways you can help prevent global warming.
Plant trees, turn off the lights and electronics when you're not using them, reduce, reuse, recycle, take shorter showers, bike, walk or take the bus to school. There are many thing we as a school can do to help the environment!
which industry is the leader in damaging our ozone layer with the product they produce?
the gas or oil industry.
If the Greenland Ice Sheet (= Calotte glaciaire du Groenleand) melted, how much would it raise the water levels WORLDWIDE? a) 2 metres b) 4 meters c) 7 meters d) 12 meters
c) 7 meters.
Miami would be underwater, Amsterdam would disappear
translate with correct pronounciation : ouragan
The air on earth consists mostly of what two gases?
nitrogen and oxygen
How many deaths per year does the World Health Organization attribute to climate change for the next decade? a) 60,000 b) 100,000 c) 250,000
c) 250,000 global deaths
How many tons of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere every single day? a) 10 million tons b) 550,000 tons c) 70 million tons d) 100 million tons
d) 100 million tons.
Which country is responsible for the highest level of greenhouse gases?
a) USA b) India c) China d)Russia
c) China
translate with correct pronounciation : le quartier, le voisinage