Env. Law Under Common Law
Drinking Water and Aquatic Resource Protection
Reg of Env. Contaminants
Mgmt. of Public Lands & Wildlife

One main benefit to bringing environmental actions under the common law is that such cases can be particularly effective in cases of _______.

What is Localized pollution 


In 1972, Congress passed a major reorganization of the country's water pollution laws known as the _______.

What is Clean Water Act


The Environmental Protection Agency oversees the administration of key federal laws that regulate substances known to be hazardous to human or environmental health. Some of these substances include heavy metals like lead, mercury, arsenic, and _______.

What is cadmium


The United States federal government owns approximately ___ million acres of land, which is about one-third of the entire nation.

What is 640


"Dark Waters" is based on a true story about the environmental and health impacts of a chemical known as _____, which is used in the manufacturing of Teflon

What is PFOA or C8


In addition to filling some of the potential gaps left by ___________, common law doctrines provide an important basis for building effective policy over time.

What is Statutory law 

  1. A "point source" is any single identifiable source of pollution, such as a ______, ditch, ship, or factory smokestack.
What is a "pipe"

Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), the EPA may require reporting, record-keeping, testing requirements, and _______ relating to chemical substances or mixtures if necessary to protect human health and the environment.

What are restrictions


President Theodore Roosevelt was responsible for the passage of the ___ of 1906, which was the first law requiring conservation of sensitive sites on public lands.

What is American Antiquities Act


"Erin Brockovich" features the legal case against the utility company _____, accused of polluting the town's water supply with hexavalent chromium.

What is Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)


_________liability is defined as legal liability imposed on a defendant despite the fact that he or she harmed someone without breaching any specific duty of reasonable care.

What is Strict 


The U.S. Supreme Court case, ______ v. United States, dealt with whether an isolated wetland could be regulated under the Clean Water Act.



The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) applies specifically to _______ and prohibits their sale or distribution in the United States if they are not properly registered or compliant with labeling requirements.

What are pesticides

  1. The ___ earmarked over $100 million to clean up hazardous abandoned mines on public lands.

What is American Recovery and Reinvestment Act


The environmental disaster in Love Canal was primarily caused by the chemical waste dumping by the company _____.

What is 

Hooker Chemical Company


Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation, or SLAPP suits, are often brought by powerful entities to intimidate _______ opponents.

What is Environmental 


The concept of ______ involves both the federal and state governments playing a role in carrying out the Clean Water Act.

What is cooperative federalism


 Critics of cost-benefit analyses in environmental regulation point out difficulties in dealing with chemical pollutants, such as the EPA’s ban on the sale of most _______ in 1979.

 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)


Wilderness areas have the strictest form of protection and can only be used for non-invasive recreation activities and ___.

What is scientific research


Lois Gibbs' activism led to the creation of the _____, a federal law designed to clean up sites contaminated with hazardous substances.

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)


In the case of Native Village Kivalina v. Exxon Mobile Corp., the court found no room for common law actions on air pollution because it is covered by the _______.

 Clean Air Act


The recent boom in natural gas extraction through ______ has raised concerns about potential groundwater contamination.

What is hydraulic fracturing (fracking)


CERCLA liability is expansive, and potential defenses are limited to showing that the pollution was a result of "acts of God," acts of war, or showing that the party acted with due care and the release was due to the actions of _______ with whom the party had no legal relationship.

third parties


NEPA requires agencies to prepare an Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement, examining economic, social, health, cultural, and ___ impacts of a project.

What is safety


Erin Brockovich worked for the law firm _____, where she played a crucial role in building the case against the polluters.

What is Masry & Vititoe