Environmental Value Systems
Feedback, Energy, and More
Energy and Matter

What are the three Environmental Value Systems?

Ecocentric, Anthropocentric, Technocentric


what is positive and what is negative feedback?

positive - amplifies the change and keeps it going in the same direction (bad)

negative - promotes stability and returns changes back to a state of equilibrium (good)


Energy __ and matter __

flows , cycles


What is a system?

interrelated parts and the connection between them that unites them to form a complex whole, a bunch of smaller parts that work together for a whole


What is the name of Ms. Lyons' dog?



What is an EVS?

a worldview that shapes the way an individual or a group of people perceives and evaluates environmental issues. Often influenced by cultural, religious, economic, and politics


What are the pros and cons of using models

advantages = modeling allows complex ideas to be simplified , can be a basis for discussion

disadvantages = can be oversimplified , can be interpreted differently by different people


Distinguish transfers and transformations 

transfers move energy or matter from one place to another without changing it and transformations move energy or matter but will change the state or form during the process


Name 5 factors that impact stability

-climate and limiting factors

-nutrient stores

-frequency and intensity of disturbances

-trophic complexity



How many sisters does Ariel from the little mermaid have?



Define each EVS

Ecocentric (nature centered) - minimum disturbances to nature

Anthropocentric (people centered) - people are managers of the Earth

Technocentric (technology centered) - technology solves problems


Give an example of a positive feedback loop

Give an example of negative feedback

ms. lyons judge if it is a valid answer

example : (neg) predator / prey relationship

example : (pos) white supremacy


Distinguish between open, closed, and isolated systems and give an example of each

isolated system = dont let anything in or out and nothing is transfered example: the universe

closed system = system that let energy in and out example : the Earth

open system = system that transfers in and out both matter and energy example a pond


what is resistance and what is resilience?

resistance : recover after a disturbance

resilience : continues to function during a disturbance


What is the largest ocean on Earth?

Pacific Ocean


Explain the parts and symbols of System Diagrams

Stores/storages = boxes or rectangles

Flows = arrows

Inputs = things going into a system (arrows)

Outputs = things going out of a system (arrows)


what are the 9 boundries?

- biodiversity             - freshwater use

- climate change        - land systems change

- novel entities           - biochemical flows

- ocean acidification.   - atmospheric aersol loading

- ozone depletion


what are the four transformations 

energy --> energy

matter --> matter

energy --> matter (photosynthesis)

matter --> energy (burning wood)


What is an Environmental Impact Assessment and how do they work?

a baseline study that is done before a development project is undertaken, they assess the environmental, social, and economical impacts of the project, predicting and evaluating possible impacts and suggesting mitigation strategies for the project

Basically they provide decision makers with information in order to consider the environmental impacts of a project


what are the names of the three main minions in the minion movie

kevin, stuart, and bob


To what extent do all EVS's care about what happens to the environment? 

Ms. Lyons judge if that is in depth enough


distinguish between ecosystem goods and services with reference to a named ecosystem 

ms lyons judge if that is a valid answer


What are the 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics and why are they important for an ecosystem 

1st law : energy is neither created or destroyed

2nd law : as energy changes form while flowing through a system, entropy (disorder) increases (energy degrades as it goes through a system)

Thermodynamics are important for ecosystems, as photosynthesis can only happen in the presence of sunlight, not in the presence of chemical energy or heat


define natural capital, natural income, and sustainable natural income

natural capital : natural resources that produce sustainable natural income of goods and services

natural income : the yield from the natural income

sustainable natural income : the yield from natural capital that can be taken without reducing the capital


What is the scariest animal according to dwight shrute? 

box jellyfish