The tool used to measure mass
In a food web, first is primary, second is secondary, and third is...
This is the phase change where water goes from a liquid to a gas
This type of rock comes from crystalized magma or lava
This resource type doesn't quickly come back
The formula for density
This eats dead things
This is the most common gas in the atmosphere
This type of rock comes from heat and pressure applied to already formed rock
This is a species brought in where it doesn't belong and damages the ecosystem
Water displacement
The Sun
Water from Culpeper streams empties into this body of water
The Chesapeake Bay or Rappahannock River
Name something that comes from a quarry
Sand, rock, pebbles
This is what the arrows mean in a food web
The flow of energy from organism to organism
When people use too much of a shared resource
Tragedy of the Commons
This symbiotic relationship includes one organism benefiting and the other is unaffected.
This level of the atmosphere is most dense
The troposphere
This type of mining happens below ground
This is the method of changing plants each year to improve soil
Crop rotation
The general density of an object that floats in water
Less than one
Name an aquatic primary producer
Algae, seaweed, phytoplankton
This is the percent of water available for use by living things?
Of the 3 energy transfer types, this type causes ocean currents and moves molten material in the mantle
This is the phase change that occurs to water when the temperature reaches dew point