Water, Food, Land, Calories
What do we need in order to live?
resources, geography, climate, government policy
What are cropping systems dependent on?
Rediscover foods, eat low on the food chain, lower environmental impact.
What did Francis Lappe believe about a small planet diet?
1600's, dutch, food scarcity, rotation of crops.
What is the British Revolution?
What agriculture practice has a sustainable supply and creates more jobs?
What micronutrient do we receive most calories from?
What type of practice involves the growing of one single crop?
Fish and seafood sold large scale
What can still be sold commercially?
Mexico and Wheat. India and Rice.
What is part of the Green Revolution
Urban Farming
What type of agriculture is the most cost friendly?
1kg of water by 1 degree celsius.
Fertilizers and erosion problems
Why is land not equal in production?
Imported soy, protein and antibiotics.
What do fish farms rely on?
Chemicals, irrigation, more yield.
What were the effects of the Green Revolution?
1940's, OPEA
When did Organic farming begin?
Rice, wheat, corn
What 3 main foods support our nutritional needs?
Parts of the former Soviet Union with high crop land
What is Canada, India, China, US?
Trawling, long-lining, seining
What are different fishing techniques?
Doctor, 1970 Nobel prize, Agriculture, Hunger
Who was Norman Borlaug?
beans, corn, wheat, leafy greens
What food is mulitcropping mostly used for?
What ending do all carbohydrates and sugars have?
A field that is cropped over a long period of time
What causes a loss of organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, and biodiversity?
8x as much
How much antibiotics is used on livestock now?
What is the term when using food, fuel, fiber, and land restoration?
Combination of aquaculture and another farming practice.