Water Cycle, Carbon Cycle,Phosphorus Cycle
Nitrogen Cycle
Dissolved Chloride, Oxygen and Nitrates

The main source of the Watercycle

What is the Sun?


What is an essential part of the Nitrogen Cycle?

What are Bacteria? 


What is the name of the scientist who is considered to be the "Father of Ecology"?

A. Alexander von Humbolt

B.John Muir

C.Paul Ehrlich

What is A. Alexander von Humbolt


All non living things are consider a _________ factor

What is an Abiotic factor.


What is dissolved oxygen?

What is the amount of oxygen that is present in water.


Carbon is absorbed in plants through a process called ______.

What is photosynthesis?


__________ is the process by which nitrite NO2 is converted to nitrate NO3-.

What is Nitrification?


How can a background in environmental science benefit future careers? 

A. It has no impact 

B. It primarily leads to careers in finance and business. 

C. It can lead to careers focused on addressing environmental challenges.

What is C. It can lead to careers focused on addressing environmental challenges.


All living things are consider a _________ factor.

What is a Biotic factor?


Why do we measure dissolved oxygen, nitrogen and nitrates in our ecosystem?

To access ___________________

What is to access the water quality and ecosystem health.


`What contribute to an increase in carbon dioxide in our atmosphere?

A. Burning Fossil Fuels

B. Oceanic respiration by marine organisms 

C. Photosynthesis by plants

What is C. Photosynthesis by plants


How do plants obtain nitrogen? 

A.From Water 

B.Plants do not use nitrogen 

C.From the atmosphere 

D.From the soil through their roots

What is D.From the soil through their roots 


Environmental science help in public health careers by

A. Analyze and mitigate environmental factors that impact humans.

B. It is only relevant to veterinary medicine. 

C. It only affect careers in pharmaceuticals 

What is A. Analyze and mitigate environmental factors that impact humans. 


What abiotic factor is responsible for low vegetation in a desert biome?

A.Low precipitation and extreme temperatures 

B.Wind Speed and low temperatures 

C.Soil Ph and cold air 

What is A.Low precipitation and extreme temperatures


In aquatic ecosystems high levels of dissolved chlorides develop __________conditions .

Saline and brackish

Enhanced biodiversity 

Reduced nutrients 

What is Saline and brackish


How is Phosphorus released into the environment? 

What is weathering of rocks and minerals? 


What is the largest natural reservoir nitrogen on earth? 

The biosphere

The geosphere

The sun 

The Earth atmosphere

What is The Earth atmosphere

  1. What type of career might be influenced by environmental science's focus on reducing pollution and promoting clean technologies? 

A) Music composition 

B) Food catering 

C) Environmental consulting

D) Hairdressing

What is C) Environmental consulting 


In a tropical rainforest biome, what role does consistent high rainfall play in maintaining the ecosystem?

A) It decreases biodiversity.

 B) It leads to desertification.

 C) It supports lush plant growth and high species diversity.

 D) It prevents any type of plant growth.

What is C) It supports lush plant growth and high species diversity.


Which activity contribute to increase of chloride levels in the aquatic ecosystem?

A. Planting 

B.`Road Salt

C.Industrial Pollution

What is  B.`Road Salt 


True or false

Diatoms use silicon to create intricate cell walls known as frustules?

What is true?


When farmers use synthetic fertilizers that alter the nitrogen cycle can lead to _________ in the water bodies. 

What is Eutrophication? 


What does an environmental scientist do?

What is Conduct research, collect and analyze data, assess environmental impact, and develop solutions to environmental issues.

  1. How do fluctuations in water availability impact aquatic biomes? 

         A) They do not affect aquatic biomes. 

         B) They can lead to shifts in the composition of aquatic plant species.

         C) Water availability only affects terrestrial biomes. 

         D) Aquatic biomes are immune to changes in abiotic factors

What is  B) They can lead to shifts in the composition of aquatic plant species. 

In freshwater ecosystems, elevated chloride concentrations can negatively impact: 

A) Algae growth 

B) Fish populations

C) Water pH levels 

D) Soil erosion

What is B) Fish populations