Habitat, Niche, Biodiversity
Ecology 1
Energy Flow
Ecology 2

What is the difference between an organism's habitat and niche?

A habitat is where an organism lives, a niche is the total role an organism plays in its environment


What is the study of the relationship between organisms and their environment?



What do the arrows represent in a food chain?

The flow of energy


Describe ecological succession

A series of orderly events that predict how a community will regrow after a natural disaster.


How much energy is passed to the next trophic level?

10% according to the Law of Ten


A polar bear resides in the Arctic tundra, an icy and cold environment with snow-covered land and frozen seas. The Artic tundra provides essential elements like access to seals (its primary food source), ice floes for hunting, and snow dens for resting and raising cubs. Which term best describes this scenario? (Defend your answer)

A. Niche

B. Habitat

C. Biodiversity

D. Endangered Species

B. Habitat, the description mentions features of where the polar bear lives.


Which level of ecological organization from largest to smallest?

A. Biosphere>Ecosystem>Biome

B. Biosphere>Individual>Ecosystem

C. Ecosystem>Community>Population

D. Ecosystem>Population>Individual



Describe carrying capacity

When the max number of individuals that a habitat can support.


What is the difference between primary and secondary succession?

Primary succession begins with bare rock whereas secondary succession begins with soil


Which law of thermodynamics indicates that 90% of energy is lost as heat or waste?

Second Law

A honeybee pollinates flowering plants in its ecosystem. As the bee collects nectar to make honey, it transfers pollen between flowers, helping plants reproduce. Which term best describes this scenario? (Defend your answer)

A. Niche

B. Habitat

C. Biodiversity

D. Endangered Specie

Niche, the honeybee is fulfilling its role to support its ecosystem


What is the difference between an ecosystem and community?

An ecosystem consists of abiotic and biotic factors, whereas a community consists of only biotic factors


If an energy pyramid begins with 50,000kilocalories of energy, how much energy will be distributed to the tertiary consumer?

A. 50 kilocal

B. 500 kilocal

C. 5,000 kilocal

D. 50,000 kilocal

50 kilocalories tertiary consumer

500 kilocalories secondary consumer

5,000 kilocal primary consumer

50,000 kilocal producer


Which type of succession would most likely occur after a wildfire?

Secondary Succession


Which law of thermodynamics states that the energy is not created or destroyed but in fact is transferred to another form?

First Law of thermodynamics


Why is a loss of biodiversity a major issue? (give three reasons)

Because all organisms have an important niche

 Humans and other species depend on different species for food/oxygen/meds

More diversity helps survival from natural disasters


A group of deer interacting with populations of bobcats, moose and deer. 

Which level of organization is being described?



Where do autotrophs obtain most of their energy?

The sun


What is the difference between pioneer species and a climax community?

A pioneer species are the first organisms to appear in succession whereas climax community is the long-stable and last stage of succession.


10 jumping jacks


A desert tortoise lives in the Mojave Desert, where it digs burrows in sandy soil to escape the heat. The desert environment, with its sparse vegetation and extreme temperatures, provides the necessary shelter and food for the tortoise's survival. 

Why would this scenario not represent an organism's niche? (Defend answer)

Because it represents the tortoise's habitat by describing details about its environment. 


A family of opossum, racoons, and frogs residing by a lake. 

What type of ecological organization is being described? (defend your answer)

An ecosystem


What type of consumer would primary consumers be?

A. Herbivore

B. Carnivore

C. Omnivore

D. Decomposer

Herbivore, they obtain energy from eating producers


Which community in succession would have the highest level of biodiversity?

A. Pioneer Community

B. Climax Community

Climax community because it is the last stage with long-lasting and stable plants, animals, and bacteria


A population of penguins begin to grow steadily and then begin to decline due to humans overfishing in the area causing them to run out of food. What type of population growth is being described?

Logistic Growth