Aquatic Ecology
Sustainability & Climate Change

What is the primary food source for herbivores?


Why is topsoil important for plant growth?

Provides a source of nutrients and a place for roots to anchor into the ground.


What is the difference between freshwater and saltwater ecosystems?

Freshwater- low salt concentration

Saltwater- high salt concentration


What is deforestation?

When human remove more trees than they replace.


Name one effect of climate change on wildlife.

Loss of habitat, loss of food source, increase in invasive species, water quality (algal blooms)


 Name one endangered species found in North America.

Blackfooted ferret,(red) wolves, brown bear, stellar sea lion, California condor, ocelot, giant kangaroo rat, Franklin's bumblebee, Vancouver Island marmot, axolotl, bighorn sheep, gray bat, Houston toad, Utah prairie dog, Staghorn coral, cougar, Giant sea bass, and more (51 total) 


What are the three main components of soil?

Organic material, minerals, water.


How does pollution affect aquatic life?

Sensitive organisms are killed by pollution. This reduces biodiversity.


What is the difference between deciduous and coniferous trees?

Deciduous trees lose their leaves. Coniferous trees keep their needles yearround.


How do greenhouse gases contribute to global warming?

Greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, water vapor) trap heat energy in our atmosphere.


 What is the role of a keystone species in an ecosystem?

Keystone species are species that have a disproportionately large impact on the health of their ecosystem. They are critical to the stability and diversity of an ecosystem, and their role is often unique and irreplaceable


 How do earthworms benefit soil health?

Earthworms break down organic matter in the soil and areate the soil.


 What role do aquatic plants play in their ecosystem?

They provide a food source for herbivores and omnivores and they increase biodiversity. They are also a source of dissolved oxygen.


How does logging impact wildlife habitats?

Habitat loss, loss of food source, loss of biodiversity.


What is the importance of biodiversity in sustainability efforts?

Communities with a lot of biodiversity are better able to sustain themselves because they have more stability.


How do animal adaptations help them survive in their habitats?

Animal adaptations are physical or behavioral characteristics that help animals survive in their habitats. These adaptations help animals obtain food, stay safe, and reproduce.


What is soil erosion, and what causes it?

Erosion is the loss of soil due to wind or rainfall.


 Name a common plant found in wetlands.

Cattails, lillypads, sedges, grasses.


How can you identify a tree by its leaves?

Color, shape of leaf, pattern of leaves (alternate or opposite arrangement), edging (serrated, smooth)


How does recycling contribute to sustainability?

When we recycle, we reuse materials and therefore don't have to bring new ones into the mix.


 Explain how human activities impact wildlife populations.

Human activities significantly impact wildlife populations primarily through habitat destruction, overexploitation (hunting and fishing), pollution, the introduction of invasive species, climate change, and disruption of natural migration patterns, all of which can lead to population declines, species endangerment, and even extinction. 


Explain the process of soil formation.

Soil is formed when rocks break downthrough the process of weathering and organic matter accumulates.


Describe the process of photosynthesis in aquatic environments.

Photosynthesis in aquatic environments provides energy for all of the organisms in the food web.


Explain how tree diversity affects an ecosystem.

Greater diversity of trees increases the stability of the ecosystem because one disease can't wipe out all of the trees.


Discuss the role of international agreements in addressing climate change.

Climate Change is a global problem and therefore requires a global solution with lots of buy in. Ex. Paris Agreement, Kyoto Protocol.