What are the two most common parent materials in RI soils?
glacial till & glacial outwash
What is stand typing?
Description and delimitation of forest areas that have similar conditions with respect to size, species mix, structure and age.
What is the limiting nutrient in freshwater? What is the limiting nutrient in saltwater?
Phosphorus (freshwater), Nitrogen (saltwater)
What federal legislation made interstate sale and trafficking of wildlife illegal in the US?
Lacey Act (1900)
What adaptation would a plant need to grow well in a sandy soil?
Able to tolerate dry soil
What’s the most valued part of the tree to a sawmill?
What percentage of wetlands in the lower 48 states have been lost?
Over 50%
What animals are primarily affected by White Nose Syndrome?
What are the 3 soil nutrients that typically limit plant growth (hint: often found in synthetic fertilizers)?
nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium
How many feet are in 1 Chain?
66 feet
What are the three characteristics used to identify/delineate a wetland?
Hydrology, hydrophytes/hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils
During which months should you wear fluorescent orange when visiting a state wildlife management area?
Sept-Feb & April-May
What does the designation Ap tell you about a soil horizon?
Topsoil that has been plowed
What is the difference between earlywood and latewood?
Earlywood develops in spring and is light colored rings, latewood develops during the summer up until growing season ends and is dark colored rings
What are three types of inland/non-tidal wetlands?
Freshwater marsh, bog, swamp, fen, vernal pool
What are the three exceptions to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act ban on removing birds from the wild?
Regulated hunting of game species, approved & permitted scientific research, Indigenous cultural ceremonies
According to the USDA, what are the 2 qualities a natural body must have at least one of to be considered a soil?
Horizons formed by pedogenesis (addition, loss, transfer, transformations)
The ability to support rooted plants in a natural environment
If we have an over mature white pine forest that is in decline, and there is some mortality that is going on so there are a couple patches of new growth. What kind of bird would you expect in this forest?
Pine Warbler, Black-Throated Green Warbler (Mature softwood birds)
Define epilimnion and hypolimnion
Epilimnion: warm, upper layer of a lake; has most sunlight, mixed by wind and has more dissolved oxygen
Hypolimnion: cold, bottom layer of a lake; contains least amount of dissolved oxygen
Define biological carrying capacity and cultural carrying capacity.
Biological = highest number of individuals of a species that the biological environment could theoretically support
Cultural = largest number of individuals humans are willing to tolerate/live with