Write the number 2,400,561 in word form.
two million four hundred thousand five hundred sixty-one
What is the value of the 7 in the number 0.371?
Write 4.03 as a fraction
4 3/100
Compare the two numbers and write the symbol for "greater than" or "less than" 3.692 ____ 3.69
Find the missing number... 0.004 ______ 0.006
Write the following in standard form... two and three hundred ten thousandths
Write 0.093 as a fraction.
Compare the two numbers and write the symbol for "greater than" or "less than" 17.8 ____ 17.689
What is the missing number? 0.207 0.208 0.209 ____
Show one million, three hundred seventy thousand, six in expanded form.
1,000,000 + 300,000 + 70,000 + 6
Write 5.089 in word form.
five and eighty-nine thousandths
Write 7/100 as a decimal.
Write a number that is between 2.110 and 2.115
possible answers
Round 1,650,345 to the nearest ten thousands place
What are the values of the 8's in the following number? 6,842,185
800,000 ; 80
What is the value of the 4 in the number 5.974
Alyssa shaded 30 squares on a hundredths grid. Hunter shaded 60 squares on a hundredths grid.
Write two decimals greater than Alyssa's decimal and less than Hunter's decimal. HINT: Think fractions and then change it to decimals that are larger and smaller
Accept varied answers...
Any decimals 0.31 or higher work for Alyssa
Any decimals 0.59 or lower work for Hunters
Write a number that comes between 4.33 and 4.34
possible answers
4.331, 4.332, 4.333, 4.334, 4.335, 4.336, 4.337, 4.338, 4.339
Round 1,345.062 to the tenths place
Name the value of the 3's in the number 13,313.
3,000 ; 300 ; 3
Is the digit in the hundreds place in 4,532 1/10 the value of the digit in the thousands place.
Is the value of the digit in the hundreds place in 8,852 1/10 the digit in the thousands place ?
Order from least to greatest 62.90 ; 62.8 ; 62.950 ; 62.88 ; 6.799
6.799 ; 62.8 ; 62.88 ; 62.90 ; 62.950
Round 465.724 to the nearest whole number AND to the nearest hundreth. You will have two answers
Wholes: 466
Hundreths: 465.72