What does ATC stand for?
Air Traffic Controller
What does the abbreviation RADAR mean?
"radio detection and ranging"
Flashing green light (include what it is followed by)
Recall signal. Return for landing. This will be followed by a steady green light when the approach path and landing area is clear
Steady green
Cleared for take-off
Who is the commanding officer of our squadron?
Captain Attwood
What is the ATC's immeadiate concern?
What does the use of the RADAR in ATC increase?
The utilization of the airspace
Red flare (include what to do after)
Flashing red
What is the motto of the Canadian Cadet Program?
To learn, To Serve, To Advance
Name three things the ATC prevents collisions between.
Aircraft, aircraft and obstructions, aircraft and vehicles on the manoeuvering area
Name three principle uses of RADARs in aviation.
Fixing positions of airplanes in flight, detecting thunderstorm activity, approaching and landing guidance to airplanes
Alternating green and red light (include two examples as to why this light could be shown)
Danger. Be on alert.
examples: danger of collision, obstruction, soft field, ice on runways, mechanical failure of undercarrige.
Flashing White
Return to starting point
What are the three aims of the cadet program?
1. To develop in youth the attributes of good citizenship and leadership
2. To promote physical fitness
3. To stimulate an interest in the air, land, and sea activities of the Canadian Forces
What is an ATC clearance?
An authorization from an ATC unit for an aircraft to proceed within controlled airspace under specific conditions.
Name at least two things a RADAR needs to operate.
Possible Answers: highly directional radio transmitter/antenna, scope, screen
Red Pyrotechnical light (include circumstances of the light)
Do not land for the time being.
Circumstances: can be signalled day or night, is withstanding to any previous instruction.
Blinking runway lights
Vehicle and pedestrians are to vacate the runway immediately
Name five Warrant Officers at our squadron.
Any of the Warrant Officers