Graduation Requirements
Growth Mindset
Self Advocacy
Important People
  • How many earned credits are required to graduate from E.O. Smith High School?


  • You studied really hard for your science test and just learned you got an F on it. If you had a fixed mindset, what is one way that you might react to this?

Say to yourself, I'm never trying again!

Give up.

Blame the teacher. 

  • You spent hours working on an English essay, a ceramics project, and a social studies assignment, but did not get to do your math homework. What is one way you could advocate for yourself in this situation?

Email your math teacher ahead of time explaining your situation. 

  • Where can you find a list of EO’s clubs and activities?

EO Smith Website


Who is this and what is his role?


  • Which two subject areas are 4 year requirements?
English and Math 
  • Mr. White has assigned you to the ASC after the snapshot grades came out. How would you react to this news if you had a growth mindset?

Ask your teachers for assignments to complete or makeup in the ASC. 

Ask the teacher in the ASC at the time for help.

Work as hard as you can when in the ASC. 

  • You have a Socratic seminar coming up in social studies and you are stressing and panicking now just thinking about it. Name two ways you can advocate for yourself with this situation?

Talk to your teacher about helpful hints or what he/she is looking for. 

Talk to your counselor about strategies you can utilize to stay calm. 

  • Describe how you could find your science homework online.

P Learning 


Who is this and what is her role?

Mrs. Paruolo

  • How many foreign language credits must students take in order to graduate?


  • You got called down to Mrs. Paruolo’s office and were given a detention for cutting a class. What is something you could do during that lunch detention if you had a growth mindset?

Think about ways that you can learn from the situation. 

Write an apology to your teacher or Mrs. Paruolo.

Serve your detention respectfully and move on from it. 

  • You were absent after being sick for 3 days this week. You come back to school and feel like you are completely lost in what is going on. The makeup work is a lot and you are feeling more work getting piled on, but you still don’t feel great and have very little time. Now you don’t even want to go back to school. How can you advocate for yourself in this situation?

Talk to an adult in the building that can help; your school counselor, nurse, social worker, school psychologist, etc. 

  • Name two different places where you could find the schedule of a delayed opening.

Power School



Main Office


Who are these ladies and what are their roles?


  • How many elective credits must students fulfill at E.O. Smith?


  • You are almost three months in to your E.O. Smith career and still not loving it. If you had a growth mindset, what is one thing you could do or tell yourself?

"You got this. It takes time to adjust to high school. I am going to keep trying the best that I can. I could also try talking to my counselor or teachers about this." 

  • There are people who you thought were your friends saying and posting mean things about you on snapchat. You are feeling extremely stressed and anxious about this and a lot of people seem to be talking about it. What is one way you can advocate for yourself in this situation?   

Talk to an adult in the building that can help; an administrator, your school counselor, nurse, social worker, school psychologist, etc.

  • What would Mr. Kris Harlow’s EO Smith email address be?


Who are these people and what are their roles?


School Counselors 

  • Name the courses students must complete in order to fulfill 3.0 social studies credits?

Politics & Geography, U.S. History, World Civ 

  • Name a famous person that has failed at something and prevailed because he or she had a growth mindset.

(open ended) 

  • You just haven’t been feeling yourself lately. You have been sleeping a lot, feeling down and depressed, and don’t have any interest in doing things you normally do. Your friends are worried about you, too. What is one way you can advocate for yourself in this situation?

Talk to an adult in the building that can help; an administrator, a teacher, your school counselor, nurse, social worker, school psychologist, etc.

  • What does the orange  !  icon in PowerSchool mean?

Missing assignment


Who are these people and what are their roles?

School Psychologists and social workers