Say to yourself, I'm never trying again!
Give up.
Blame the teacher.
Email your math teacher ahead of time explaining your situation.
EO Smith Website
Who is this and what is his role?
Ask your teachers for assignments to complete or makeup in the ASC.
Ask the teacher in the ASC at the time for help.
Work as hard as you can when in the ASC.
Talk to your teacher about helpful hints or what he/she is looking for.
Talk to your counselor about strategies you can utilize to stay calm.
P Learning
Who is this and what is her role?
Mrs. Paruolo
Think about ways that you can learn from the situation.
Write an apology to your teacher or Mrs. Paruolo.
Serve your detention respectfully and move on from it.
Talk to an adult in the building that can help; your school counselor, nurse, social worker, school psychologist, etc.
Power School
Main Office
Who are these ladies and what are their roles?
"You got this. It takes time to adjust to high school. I am going to keep trying the best that I can. I could also try talking to my counselor or teachers about this."
Talk to an adult in the building that can help; an administrator, your school counselor, nurse, social worker, school psychologist, etc.
Who are these people and what are their roles?
School Counselors
Politics & Geography, U.S. History, World Civ
(open ended)
Talk to an adult in the building that can help; an administrator, a teacher, your school counselor, nurse, social worker, school psychologist, etc.
Missing assignment
Who are these people and what are their roles?
School Psychologists and social workers