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The location of the Southern Regional Operation Center.

What is...

Los Alamitos.


A great tool for Coordinators/Managers to track assignments, task status, coordination and special requirements.                                            

What is "EOC Form 904: Section/Branch Assignment List"?


The first step in the proclamation process

What is "EOC Director consults with EOC Coordinator"?


The EOC coordination process from start to finish, in order.

What is...



EOC Activation

Implement Standing Objectives

Size Up/Situation Analysis Meeting

Coordination Meeting

Planning Meeting

Operations Briefing


The standing down of a resource, unit, branch, or section.

What is...



The backup method used to notify EOC responders if NotifyLA is not available.

What is...

3-1-1 Call Center.


Name one common leadership mistake

What is...

You can forget you’re a Unit LEADER when normally you’re a unit of only one

It’s easy to get caught up in your own individual tasks and minutiae

Leaders can be rigid when unpredictable emergencies require flexibility

Continuity of leadership is often overlooked during short absences (e.g., meetings, food breaks)


The position in the EOC that vets resource requests for completeness, applies incident/resource prioritization, and facilitates the sharing of resources across Ops Section before going to Logistics.

What is "Resource Status Unit Leader"?


The best method to structure section/branch objectives.

What is...

SMART. Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic, Time-sensitive.


The draw down and completion of EOC functions, eventually returning to Duty Officer Status.

What is...



This is the organization responsible for internal notifications to agency representatives who need to respond to the EOC.

What is...

Your Department


Name one good tool/skill of a manger/leader?

What is...

Load Balancing

Monitor Tasks/Progress

Facilitate Coordination/Collaboration


Seek Guidance from EOC Coordinator

Ask for More Personnel

Leadership Continuity


How a resource request enters the EOC from the field if the requesting department's DOC is activated and represented in the EOC.

What is "Field requests to DOC, if DOC cannot fulfill, DOC Logistics/Department Rep makes the request to Ops Section Branch, Ops Section Branch reviews/submits to Resource Status Unit Leader"?


The EOC Coordination meeting where the Operations Section Coordinator can voice approval of, or challenges to, proposed objectives.

What is...

The Planning Meeting.


Two of the four determining factors for demobilization/deactivation.

What is...

Termination or closing of an operation

Reports and requests from the Field and DOCs scale down

DOCs/BOCs and field resources can handle stabilization efforts

Incident/Event dictates the process for Sections/Branches/Units to be deactivated


When checking in, it's an essential part of situational awareness and understanding your role/expectations (but often overlooked).                

What is...

Initial Briefing.


One of four sources that can be used to monitor/track progress in your branch/section.

What is...

Review 214s of subordinate staff in WebEOC

Feedback from other Sections/ Units

Section meetings/verbal updates

Review draft materials


Give one of the essential details of a resource request.

What is...

Why is it needed?

What is needed to address the use/mission?

How much is needed and in what unit of measure?    

How long will it be needed?

Where and when is it needed?

Are any ancillary services necessary?

Are there other special considerations?


The EOC Coordination Meeting where the OSC can address Ops Section’s actionable missions for next OP.                                         

What is...

The Operations Briefing


A Demobilization Plan should be considered if...

What is...

Many functions or individual resources need to be released in a specific sequence

Resources have traveled long distances and/or require commercial or complex transportation

Personnel are fatigued or need medical/stress management services, causing potential safety concerns


The EOC position you talk to if there are any questions on the activation process, your role, or any resource needs at your pod.

What is...

EOC Coordinator.


An assignment you can give to an idle staff member.

What is...



Support for other Units


Staffed by LAPD. Work closely with the Fire/EMS Branch, Los Angeles County Coroner, and as necessary the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.  

What is...

Fatality Management Unit Lead


The amount of time (usually) after EOC activation to prepare for the Size Up and Situation Analysis Meetings.

What is...

Size up ~ 30 minutes

Situation Analysis ~ 1 hour after Size Up


Name 4 actions that the Operations Section takes in deactivation.

What is...

Notify replacement of EOC Deactivation; or provide briefing to incoming EOC Responder

Complete and submit an ICS 214

Submit any other requested documents

Log out of WebEOC

Clean up your workstation

Follow any additional Demobilization instructions

Sign check-out sheet and return badge