Colonial Regions/Revolutionary Ideals
The Antebellum
Robber Barons & Labor
20th Century Wars

Quakers, Diverse Economy, Religious Toleration, 

These things fit best with which colonial region?



This man was a presidential candidate who gave his famous "Cross of Gold" speech where he promoted bi-metallism

William Jennings Bryan


This federal project proposed by Henry Clay following the War of 1812 built roads and canals as well as instituted a protective tariff. It also very much angered southerners like John C Calhoun

The American System


People like Carnegie and Rockefeller believed in survival of the fittest in business and society; that they are wealthy because they are better than everyone else. This philosophy is called

Social Darwinism


Through out its history, the US has always followed a policy of ______________ when it comes to European affairs. This ended with the beginning of the Cold War?


An early form of representative government. Located in Virginia

House of Burgesses


Several parts of the Populist Party's Omaha Platform became law eventually, including which 2 amendments?

16 - income tax

17 - direct election of Senators


The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions as well as the Nullification Crisis highlight that southerners believe that _________ should have the most power.

The states


A common belief through the 1800's is that the government should have little to no involvement in regulating the economy which led to poor labor conditions, low wages, and obscene wealth for a select few. This belief is called...



What three laws were passed in the late 1930's and early 1940 to help American allies fighting the Axis

Cash and Carry

Destroyers for Bases

Lend Lease Act


According to the Magna Carta and English Bill of Rights, British citizens (including American colonists) could only be taxed by...

Elected Representatives


Writers, photographers, activists, and novelists who exposed the ills of society in the wake of the Second Great Awakening were called... (Ex: Jacob Riis, Upton Sinclair, Ida Tarbell)



What caused a massive increase in the domestic slave trade between 1800 and 1860?

The Cotton Gin/King Cotton/Cotton


These organizations would engage in collective bargaining, boycotting, and closed shop contracts. They would have little to no government support. 

labor unions


The Roosevelt Corollary stated that the US would view any attempt by European countries to collect debts from _______________ as an act of war and is an example of Big Stick Diplomacy

Latin America


What was the main issue colonists had with the Stamp Act, Tea Act, Townshend Acts, and Sugar Act that led to the American Revolution as stated by the Stamp Act Congress?

No taxation without representation


An early form of farmers responding to lowering crop prices by forming co-ops and electing state officials to regulate railroad rates (Freight Rate Cases) was called

Farmer's Alliance/The Grange


While Andrew Jackson is celebrated for spreading democracy to all white men regardless of wealth (Jacksonian democracy) and founding the Democratic party, he is also greatly criticized for killing the national bank and....

The trail of Tears/Indian Removal Act


These urban organizations were highly corrupt, but also provided much needed support for the poor in exchange for votes. Ex: Tammany Hall/Boss Tweed

Political Machines


Things like The Pentagon Papers, Mai Lai Massacre, and Watergate Scandal increased mistrust of the government by the public also known as the 

Credibility Gap


The event that served as the catalyst for the Constitutional Convention where the Articles of Confederation were scrapped in favor of the Constitution we have now.

Shay's Rebellion


Who are the 3 Progressive presidents who sided with workers during strikes, broke up monopolies with the Sherman and Clayton Anti-Trust Acts, cleaned up food production with the Pure Food and Drug Act, and regulated Interstate Commerce with the ICC

T. Roosevelt, William Howard "Big Sexy" Taft, and Woodrow Wilson


Western states produced raw materials, northern states produced manufactured goods, and southern states produced cotton while all three trade with one another. Goods being bought and sold across the country, as opposed to locally, is called a

National Market


Building a trust by buying out competition at one level of production. Ex: I own all steel mills

Horizontal integration


President Nixon tried to ease relations with the Soviet Union and China as well as reduce weapons capabilities in a policy known as __________. A shift away from the previous and more aggressive containment policy.
