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What's the Constitution???
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A constitutional government always includes... a) a strong executive b) a limitation of powers c) a written constitution d) the idea of judicial review
What is b) a limitation of powers
The system of checks and balances was established to a) prevent political parties from being created... b) provide government officials with unlimited powers c) prevent branches of government from abusing power d) guarantee that people's rights are never limited
What is c) prevent branches of government from abusing power
The Magna Carta, an agreement between the nobles and the king of England, required.. a) the king to govern according to established rules of law. b) the king to return taxes unfairly collected. c) the king and the nobles to represent the common people. d) the king and the nobles to agree on all new laws enacted.
What is a) the king to govern according to established rules of law.
A constitution is considered a higher law if it... a) Must be obeyed by those running the government b) can never be changed c) comes from a divine source d) keeps the government above the people
What is a) Must be obeyed by those running the government
The 14th amendment was intended to guarantee the equal protection of the laws to... a) African Americans b) women c) Native Americans d) whites who did not own property
What is a) African Americans
The purpose of government as described in the Declaration of Independence is to... a) protect the people's natural rights b) prevent attacks by foreign countries c) make agreements with other nations d) serve as a check on special interest groups
What is a) protect the people's natural rights
The Constitution grants the president the power to... a) make laws that Congress refuses to make b) veto laws passed by Congress c) declare war d) put people in jail without a trial
What is b) veto laws passed by Congress
The colonists argued that laws such as the Stamp Act of 1765... a) were consistent with their rights as Englishmen b) were invalid because the colonists were not allowed to vote for members of Parliament c) were justified to help pay English debts d) did not raise enough money to help the colonies
What is b) were invalid because the colonists were not allowed to vote for members of Parliament
Early state constitutions included the principle of popular sovereignty, which means that... a) the government has has supreme power over the people b) the government has the power to make laws c) the government gets its rights to govern from the people d) the legislature has absolute supremacy
What is c) the government gets its rights to govern from the people
The right to due process of law means that... a) laws will be publicly debated b) important public questions must be settled by direct vote of the people c) proposed laws must be passed by bot houses of Congress d) laws and procedures of government must be fair and reasonable
What is d) laws and procedures of government must be fair and reasonable
The first ten commandments of the Constitution are called the... a) Statement of Purposes b) Preamble c) Bill of Rights d) Freedom Principle
What is c) Bill of Rights
The system the Framers created for choosing the president is known as... a) the electoral college b) voter registration c) nomination by convention d) political campaigning
What is a) the electoral college
The decision to divide Congress into two houses, with equal representation in one and proportional representation in the other, was called the... a) Great Compromise b) Virginia Plan c) New Jersey Plan d) New York Compromise
What is a) Great Compromise
An important difference between the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution is that the Constitution gives... a) Congress the power to act directly on the people b) Congress the right to establish a national school system c) any state the right to leave the Union if it wishes d) smaller states greater power
What is a) Congress the power to act directly on the people
Participation in the political life of our nation is consistent with the principle of... a) judicial activism b) popular sovereignty c) autocratic government d) the supremacy clause
What is b) popular sovereignty
Political parties came about as a result of... a) a constitutional amendment b) disagreements over the powers of the national government c) conflicts between the Senate and House of Representatives d) an act of Congress
What is b) disagreements over the powers of the national government
The Supreme Court can serve as a check on the power of the legislature by... a) impeaching members of Congress b) declaring laws or actions unconstitutional c) approving amendments passed by popular vote d) approving presidential vetoes of congressional laws
What is b) declaring laws or actions unconstitutional
The Framers resolved the conflict between the Northern and Southern states by... a) exempting the South from certain parts of the Constitution b) prohibiting the expansion of slavery into new territories c) expanding trade with Southern states d) allowing the slave trade to continue
What is d) allowing the slave trade to continue
Powers that are specifically granted to Congress by the Constitution are called... a) executive powers b) bureaucratic powers c) judicial powers d) enumerated powers
What is d) enumerated powers
The primary purpose of the civil rights movement was to... a) encourage civic participation among immigrants b) oppose the Vietnam War c) obtain equal protection of the laws for African Americans d) ensure that public schools remain segregated
What is c) obtain equal protection of the laws for African Americans
The Nineteenth Amendment... a) freed the slaves b) formally ended the Revolutionary War c) gave women the right to vote d) ended prohibition
What is c) gave women the right to vote
One problem with a Supreme Court justice trying to determine the intention of the Framers when interpreting the Constitution is that... a) the Framers answered all Constitutional questions fully and clearly b) the Supreme Court has ruled that interpretation of the Constitution is illegal c) there were many Framers and they did not always agree d) the justice might interpret the Constitution incorrectly and be vetoed by the president
What is c) there were many Framers and they did not always agree
In the case Marbury vs. Madison, the Supreme Court established its power of judicial review, which allows the court to... a) hear any case it wants to at any time b) dispute the results of presidential elections c) argue that it does not have to follow the Constitution d) declare laws passed by Congress unconstitutional
What is d) declare laws passed by Congress unconstitutional
To get enough support for the ratification of the Constitution, the Federalists agreed to... a) remove the necessary and proper clause b) amend the three-fifths clause c) outlaw slavery in the territories d) add a bill of rights
What is d) add a bill of rights
The Constitution guarantees, with some limits, each citizens right to free... a) speech, healthcare, shelter, and public welfare b) speech, quality of life, and public education c) speech, press, and practice of a professional trade d) speech, press, assembly, and religious belief
What is d) speech, press, assembly, and religious belief