Civil War and Reconstruction
West, Industrialization, Gilded Age
Roaring Twenties and Great Depression
WW I and II
This man tried to start a slave revolt at Harper's Ferry. He was hung.
Who is John Brown?
This was the name of the strike against Andrew Carnegie's steel mill. Henry Frick called in Pinkerton detectives to battle strikers.
What is the Homestead Strike?
The stock market crash occurred on this exact date called Black Tuesday.
What is October 29, 1929?
The assassination of this man by a Serbian nationalist was a catalyst for World War I.
Who is Archduke Ferdinand?
Nixon's policy of easing strained relations with China and the USSR.
What is detente?
During the Civil War, this freed slaves in Confederate territory only.
What is the Emancipation Proclamation?
According to this theory/doctrine, Whites have a right to Westward expansion.
What is Manifest Destiny?
This is the name we give to "liberated" women of the 1920s. They smoked, drank, and were sexually active.
What are flappers?
A system to protect merchant ships by surrounding them with warships. It was used in World War I and II.
What is the convoy system?
This conflict was caused by Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait.
What is the Persian Gulf War?
The Confederacy was split in half at the Mississippi River as a result of this battle. It was a siege led by General Grant.
What is the Battle of Vicksburg?
In this battle, General Custer lost to Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull.
What is the Battle of Little Bighorn?
These WWI veterans marched to Washington in support of the Patman Bill. President Hoover sent in the army to remove them when they would not leave.
What is the Bonus Army (or Bonus Expeditionary Force)?
These laws were made to help America stay neutral in the war while helping Britain and France.
What are the Neutrality Acts?
This is the incident that allowed Lyndon B. Johnson to send U.S. troops to Vietnam.
What is Gulf of Tonkin Incident?
These Northerners traveled to the South during Reconstruction to take advantage of economic opportunities.
Who are carpetbaggers?
The Cross of Gold speech was made by this man. He wanted bimetallism (silver AND gold).
Who is William Jennings Bryan?
This New Deal initiative gave young men jobs like planting trees and draining swamps.
What is the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps)?
Name of the United States' secret project to build the atom bomb during WWII.
What is the Manhattan Project?
This is the name given to the failed invasion of Cuba by CIA-trained Cuban exiles. President Kennedy took the blame for the operation and its failure.
What is the Bay of Pigs Invasion?
This is the amendment that gave African Americans citizenship and in theory, equal rights. It stopped Southern States from making Black Codes. They started segregating instead.
What is the 14th amendment?
This process made the production of steel cheaper. It helped Andrew Carnegie build his Empire.
What is the Bessemer process?
This woman was a Harlem Renaissance writer. She wrote "Their Eyes Were Watching God". During the Great Depression, this writer wrote stories about African Americans in Florida under a WPA program.
Who is Zora Neale Hurston?
This WWII battle occurred in Ardennes forest where the Germans launched a surprise attack. This was the battle that saw the most U.S. casualties.
What is the Battle of the Bulge?
North Korea and South Korea are still divided at this parallel today.
What is the 38th parallel?