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The increase in consumer spending during the 1920s was fueled in part by

A) higher taxes.

B) unemployment.

C) decreased land values.

D) overreliance on credit.

What is overreliance on credit?


“The prodigious land, sea and air forces of the United States, the British Empire and of China, many times reinforced by their armies and air fleets from the west, are poised to strike the final blows upon Japan….

The full application of our military power, backed by our resolve, will mean the inevitable and complete destruction of the Japanese armed forces and just as inevitably the utter devastation of the Japanese homeland….

We call upon the government of Japan to proclaim now the unconditional surrender of all Japanese armed forces, and to provide proper and adequate assurances of their good faith in such action. The alternative for Japan is prompt and utter destruction.”

- from “The Potsdam Declaration,” President Harry Truman, July 26, 1945 Which of these would, in the coming years, be an international effect of the ultimate result of President Truman’s words?

A) the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

B) Japan sided with the Soviet Union during the Cold War

C) a nuclear arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union

D) the division of Japan into international zones similar to those seen in Germany

What is a Nuclear arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union?


What was the purpose of "SNCC" during the early years of the Civil Rights era?

A) to provide more militant leadership to combat racism

B) it replaced the NAACP as the dominant Civil Rights era

C) it coordinated students around the south in resisting segregation laws

D) it was a “whites only” organization created to keep whites in political power in the South

What is it coordinated students around the south in resisting segregation laws


 Coming into effect in 1994, NAFTA encouraged free trade between the United States and which two other countries?

A) Canada and Cuba

B) Japan and China

C) Canada and Mexico

D) Panama and Brazil

What is Canada and Mexico?


How was convict leasing a loophole of the Thirteenth Amendment?

A) Convict leasing allowed for convicts to be rented for work in exchange for boarding as prisons were overflowing.

B) Convict leasing allowed former slaveholders to keep control over a percentage of their slaves in indentured servitude.

C) Convicts under the Thirteenth Amendment were forced to work for free, but were guaranteed humane and reasonable working conditions.

D) Convicts technically were not slaves and therefore could be used to work railways, mines, and plantations with no pay and under inhumane conditions.

What is Convicts technically were not slaves and therefore could be used to work railways, mines, and plantations with no pay and under inhumane conditions?


 In an effort to deal with the effects of the Great Recession, Congress passed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009. Which of these BEST describes a way in which the law affected the private sector?

A) Over $5 billion was earmarked for improving homeland security programs.

B) Over $80 billion was given to states to help with the cost of Medicaid programs.

C) Nearly $10 billion was given to businesses to replace depreciated office equipment.

D) Nearly $100 billion was given to school districts to fund various educational programs.

What is C) Nearly $10 billion was given to businesses to replace depreciated office equipment?


"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."

Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution What was the main goal of the 15th Amendment?

A) to punish southern states

B) to avoid another Civil War

C) to granting women the right to vote

D) to grant former slaves voting rights

What is to grant former slaves voting rights?


One of the girls stood on a pump and gave vent to the feelings of her companions in a neat speech, declaring that it was their duty to resist all attempts at cutting down the wages. This was the first time a woman had spoken in public in Lowell, and the event caused surprise and consternation among her audience. It is hardly necessary to say that, so far as practical results are concerned, this strike did no good. The corporation would not come to terms. The girls were soon tired of holding out, and they went back to their work at the reduced rate of wages.

Harriet H. Robinson, "Early Factory Labor in New England," in Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics of Labor, Fourteenth Annual Report Which statement best describes one unique characteristic of the Lowell factory mills?

A) The Lowell factory mills were the first to employ children.

B) The Lowell factory mills hired actively sought to hire women.

C) The Lowell factory mills were the first to use interchangeable parts.

D) The Lowell factory mills were the first textile mills to incorporate the cotton gin.

What is The Lowell factory mills hired actively sought to hire women?


What was created in the U.S. government's first attempt to exercise increased control and oversight over American businesses and industries in the late 1800s?

A) The Civilian Conservation Corps

B) The Food and Drug Administration

C) The Interstate Commerce Commission

D) The Federal Aviation Administration

What is The Interstate Commerce Commission?


The Populist Party was chiefly composed of

A) individual farmers.

B) Eastern businessmen.

C) Northern abolitionists.

D) Northern factory owners.

Who are Individual Farmers?


At the end of the 19th century, farmers and laborers decided to form a new political party that would stand up for their rights and fight against increasing railroad freight rates, falling crop prices, and other hardships faced by farmers. This political party was called the

A) Populist Party.

B) Socialist Party.

C) Republican Party.

D) Democratic Party.

What is the Populist Party?


 Which technology allowed western bonanza farmers and ranchers to be able to get products to eastern and international markets, thereby helping to transform farming and ranching in America?

A) railroads

B) barbed wire

C) panama Canal

D) repeating rifle

What are Railroads?


How did union strikes contribute to rising racial tensions in the 1920s?

A) Blacks were allowed to join most unions.

B) Unions could not negotiate with management.

C) Factory owners would hire blacks as strikebreakers.

D) Immigrants joined unions at a greater rate than others.

What is Factory owners would hire blacks as strikebreakers?


How did U.S. participation in World War I impact U.S. foreign policy in the decade immediately after the war?

A) The United States joined the League of Nations.

B) The United States strengthened its alliances in Latin America.

C) The United States used the military to acquire new territories.

D) The United States became isolationist in its diplomatic and political relations.

What is The United States became isolationist in its diplomatic and political relations?


Why do many United States historians consider the Civil War to be the first "modern" war in American history?

A) The Union used divide and conquer techniques.

B) It was the first one fought with guns and cannons.

C) Both sides were able to use weapons of mass destruction.

D) New technology such as telegraphs, iron-plated warships, and mass-produced weapons were common.

What is New technology such as telegraphs, iron-plated warships, and mass-produced weapons were common?


· They were the first African American military aviators in the United States armed forces.

· They were formally known as the 332nd Fighter Group and the 99th Pursuit Squadron.

· They were called the "Redtail Angels" by the bomber crews they were assigned to escort and protect. Which famous World War II African-American unit is being described?

A) the Flying Circus

B) the Tuskegee Airmen

C) the Red ball Express

D) the 442nd Regimental Combat Team

Who are the Tuskegee Airmen?


This image would be MOST useful to a student writing a research paper titled

A) "The 1950's: The GI Bill, Levittown, and Modernism."

B) "The 1950's: Baby Boom, Consumerism, and Prosperity."

C) "The 1950's: The Beginnings of the Civil Rights Movement."

D) "The 1950's: McCarthyism, the Cold War, and the Nuclear Age."

What is the "The 1950's: Baby Boom, Consumerism, and Prosperity."


The case of Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) is often called the Supreme Court’s great ‘self inflicted wound’ because the decision

A) refused to give women the right to vote.

B) created the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’.

C) supported the South’s right to secede from the Union.

D) ruled slaves to be property and incapable of becoming citizens.

What is because it ruled slaves to be property and incapable of becoming citizens?


Cell phones and the Internet have both had the effect of

A) reducing poverty and malnutrition.

B) reducing trade barriers between nations.

C) preventing the spread of false or hastily-reported news and information.

D) making the world a "smaller" place by increasing communication speeds.

What is making the world a "smaller" place by increasing communication speeds?


Which of these statements MOST accurately describes the role of African-Americans in the Civil War effort on the Union side?

A) African-American troops were responsible for the Union victory at Gettysburg.

B) African-Americans served as soldiers, but they made little difference in the outcome of the War.

C) They traveled with the white soldiers as servants and laborers but saw little to no combat action.

D) Lincoln hesitated to use black troops, but many enlisted and played an important role in the Union victory.

What is Lincoln hesitated to use black troops, but many enlisted and played an important role in the Union victory?


Which presidential hopeful won the popular vote in the 1876 election but LOST the office of the presidency because of the Compromise of 1877?

A) Samuel J. Tilden

B) Ulysses S. Grant

C) James A. Garfield

D) Rutherford B. Hayes

Who is Samuel J. Tilden?


 Which de facto practice contributed to the socioeconomic divide between segregated neighborhoods?

A) redlining

B) assimilation

C) gentrification

D) affirmative action

What is Redlining?


Father Charles Coughlin, Huey Long, and Dr. Francis Townsend were all

A) members of FDR's cabinet.

B) part of FDR's "Brain Trust."

C) supporters of FDR's New Deal programs.

D) harsh critics of FDR's New Deal programs.

What are Harsh critics of FDR's New Deal programs


In the twentieth century, muckraking journalism developed mostly in response to

A) wartime censorship.

B) political corruption.

C) nationalization of the press.

D) decline of popular press magazines.

What is Political Corruption?


 The 14th Amendment to the Constitution includes all of the following provisions EXCEPT

A) a guarantee of equal protection under the law for all citizens.

B) the guaranteed right to vote for adults, regardless of gender, race or age.

C) citizenship in both the nation and its states for all persons born or naturalized in the US.

D) loss of representation in Congress for states that denied qualified citizens the right to vote.

What is the guaranteed right to vote for adults, regardless of gender, race or age?