Father Issues
Bro Just Rebel
Born Here or There
Enlighten Who?
EW Taxes

What was the impact of Baron Montesquieu’s writings on the Founding Fathers?

What is Separation of Powers


What 3 acts lead up to the Boston  Tea Party?

What is the Sugar,Tea,and stamp act.


Which is an example of a U.S. citizen’s Obligation/Duty? 

what is Obeying the law


An Amendment can be proposed by  _____ of both house of Congress and _____ of all states.

2/3, 3/4


Which weakness of the Articles of Confederation led to Shays' Rebellion?

The Central Government could not pass taxes.


Who created the Phrase "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness"

Who is John Locke


People who opposed the Constitution ere called ____ 



Why are citizens obligated to respond to a "Jury duty" summons  document?

What is  "To protect the constitutional rights to be tried by ones peers" 


What does the system of checks and balances ensure?

What is No branch becomes too powerful


Tax on every piece of printed paper; legal documents, licenses, newspapers etc.

What was this Act called  

What is The Stamp Act.


main writer of the Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson


Which statement best explains the significance of the Mayflower Compact?

What is the "It established a form of self-government based on a social contract"


what are the Obligations to be a U.S. citizen? 

(There are 5)

Obey Laws, Paying taxes, Serving of Juries, Defending the nation, Registering for selective service. 


 created by Montesquieu that says the only way government will work properly is if it is broken up into 3 branches.

 What is this theory called?

What is Separation of Powers


What impact did the Magna Carta of 1215 have on the colonists' views of government?

What is "New taxes should be approved by the people’s representatives."


What was John Locke's influence on the Founding Fathers?

What is Government by Consent of the Governed


The information below summarizes provisions of a historic document.

• The King promised to have frequent Parliaments.

• The king promised not to levy taxes without the approval of Parliament.

• The king promised not to raise a standing army without the approval of Parliament.

Which document had these provisions?

What is the English Bill of Rights


What is a characteristic of U.S. citizenship according to the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution? 

What is Born or naturalized in the United States


 created by John Locke that says in order for people to protect their natural rights, they must create a contract between themselves and a government 

  • What is the Theory called?

What is Social Contract


What term do we use for the English laws that eventually came together under one united legal system?

Common Law


Who published a Pamphlet in 1776 to convince the American colonists to support becoming independent from England?

Who is Thomas Paine


The excerpt below is from the 3rd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

Which British policy below caused colonial concerns that led to the establishment of the 3rd Amendment?

What is lodging of British troops inside colonists' homes.


Which is a requirement for a person to become a naturalized U.S. citizen?

Being a legal resident of the U.S. for at least five years


Which Enlightenment philosopher impacted the development of both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution

John Locke


The Code of Hammurabi (1772 BC) includes laws focusing on contracts. What type of U.S. law is based on the Code of Hammurabi?

Civil Law