Earth’s atmosphere pushes on Earth’s surface. Which of the following is a measure of the force with which air molecules push on a surface? A. air pressure B. temperature C. precipitation D. relative humidity
What is A air pressure
Which of these is evidence that an unbalanced force is acting on an object? A. The mass of the object is changing. B. The object remains at rest. C. The motion of the object is changing. D. The object continues moving in a straight line at constant velocity.
What is C the motion of the object
When trees die, they often fall on the ground and decompose. Which part of the Earth system includes dead and decomposed trees? A. biosphere B. geosphere C. atmosphere D. hydrosphere
What is A biosphere
A television station in Miami reported that a jury had reached a verdict. How did the people on this jury act like scientists when they reached their verdict? A. by asking questions B. by drawing a conclusion C. by talking with each other D. by performing their civic duty
What is B by drawing conclusion
What are the two ways that rocks are broken down into smaller pieces? A. abrasion and erosion B. chemical weathering and dissolving C. physical weathering and precipitation D. chemical weathering and physical weathering
What is D chemical weathering and physical weathering
A weather forecaster is explaining what is causing the very cold temperatures and large amounts of snow that are falling in the area. What type of front causes this type of weather? A. cold front B. warm front C. occluded front D. stationary front
What is A a cold front
Which of the following describes a contact force? A. Earth and the moon pull on each other B. an ball’s weight makes it fall C. a magnet holds a picture to a refridgerator D. a table supports a book
What is D a table supports a book
Which of these parts of the Earth system are interacting when Florida’s orange trees grow? A. biosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere B. geosphere, cryosphere, and atmosphere C. biosphere, hydrosphere, and cryosphere D. cryosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere
What is A biosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere
University of Florida scientists developed a new type of wound dressing that keeps bacteria out of the wound. What is a conclusion that you can make from this information? A. Scientific discoveries always lead to new technologies. B. Scientists often respond to the needs in our society. C. Scientific advances are always made in the field of medicine. D. Scientists may make discoveries that have no impact on society.
What is b Scientist often repond to the needs in our society
Juan picks up a pebble on a riverbank. The pebble is very smooth. He forms a hypothesis that the rock is smooth because it rubbed against other rocks and sand in the river. Which process did he use to explain the smoothness of the rock? A. water weathering B. erosion weathering C. physical weathering D. chemical weathering
What is C physical weathering
On an island near the equator, the sun's energy causes ocean water to evaporate during the day. In the afternoon, heavy rains fall. This process is repeated during the summer months. What does this example BEST show? A. how most water on Earth is in the form of water vapor B. how the sun is the main source of energy for the water cycle C. how land is the main source of water during the water cycle D. how the ocean is large enough that it never runs out of water
What is B how the sun is the main soure of energy for the water cycle
Imaging that a chair on the floor experiences two horizontal forces. One force measures 200 N and the other force measures –200 N. Which of the following statements describes what is happening to the chair? A. The chair’s motion is not changing. B. The chair’s motion is changing. C. The chair is not moving. D. The chair is moving.
What is A the chair's motion is not changing
hat is the composition of Earth’s atmosphere? A. 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% other gases B. 78% oxygen, 21% carbon dioxide C. 78% oxygen, 21% water vapor D. 78% oxygen, 21% nitrogen, and 1% other gases
What is A 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% other gases
Which sequence of events is a logical order of a scientific investigation? A. experiment --> hypothesis --> analysis of data --> conclusion B. hypothesis --> experiment --> conclusion --> analysis of data C. analysis of data --> conclusion --> experiment --> hypothesis D. hypothesis --> experiment --> analysis of data --> conclusion
What is D
Which is an example of abrasion of a rock? A. a color change due to exposure to air B. a shape change due to exposure to wind C. a hole forming due to a reaction with water D. a layer falling off due to a lessening of pressure
What is B a shape change due to exposure to the wind
The area in which you live has a particular climate. It also has weather. What is the difference between climate and weather? A. Climate is determined by temperature and precipitation, whereas weather is determined only by humidity, air pressure, and wind conditions. B. Weather is determined by temperature and precipitation, whereas climate is determined only by humidity, air pressure, and wind conditions. C. Climate is the condition of Earth’s atmosphere at a particular time and place, whereas weather is the characteristic climate in an area over a long period of time. D. Weather is the condition of Earth’s atmosphere at a particular time and place, whereas climate is the characteristic weather in an area over a long period of time.
What is D weather is the condition of Earth's atmosphere at a particular time and place, whereas climate is the characteristic weather in an area over a long period of time
Which pair of units are units of force? A. feet per second, kilometers per hour B. kilogram, meter C. joule, meters per second squared D. pound, newton
What is D pound, newton
What is Earth’s hydrosphere? A. all the water B. all the salt water C. all the solid water D. all the liquid water
What is D all the liquid water
Scientists do many types of work. Their work often includes making field observations, conducting surveys, creating models, and carrying out experiments. Which must be done before conducting an EXPERIMENT? A. Develop testable questions based on research and prior knowledge. B. Prepare a physical or mathematical representation of an object or process. C. Observe plants or animals in their natural environment. D. Collect data from the unregulated world for comparative purposes.
What is A
Sinkholes form when limestone under a layer of sand is dissolved by rainwater. The ground above the limestone collapses into a hole when enough limestone dissolves. What causes sinkholes? A. chemical abrasion B. physical exfoliation C. physical weathering D. chemical weathering
What is D chemical weathering
Antonio needs to find the latitude of his community to help him determine how latitude affects the climate where he lives. To find the latitude of his community, what should he do? A. find the distance of his community in degrees east or west of the equator B. find the distance of his community in degrees north or south of the equator C. find the distance of his community in degrees east or west of the prime meridian D. find the distance of his community in degrees north or south of the prime meridian
What is B find the distance of his community in degrees north or south of the equator
A rocket sitting on a launch pad is at rest. When a rocket burns fuel to create hot gases that explode violently out of the rocket engine, the explosion creates thrust. Thrust is a force that changes the motion of the rocket by pushing it upward. What force must thrust OVERCOME in order for the rocket to move? A. gravity acting on the rocket B. gravity acting on the exploding gases C. friction between the rocket and the ground D. friction between the rocket and the exploding gases
What is A gravity acting on the rocket
A warm rock is in direct contact with the cooler ground. Which of the following will happen? A. Energy in the form of heat will flow from the rock to the ground, and the temperature of the rock will increase. B. Energy in the form of heat will flow from the ground to the rock, and the temperature of the rock will increase. C. Energy in the form of heat will flow from the rock to the ground, and the temperature of the rock will decrease. D. Energy in the form of heat will flow from the ground to the rock, and the temperature of the rock will decrease.
What is C Energy in the form of heat will flow from the rock to the ground, and the temperature of the rock will decrease
A student ran the same experiment three times. Which characteristic of a good investigation is he using? A. large sample size B. controlled variables C. multiple trials D. peer review
What is C multiple trials
How does chemical weathering differ from physical weathering? A. Human activity causes chemical weathering but does not cause physical weathering. B. Chemical weathering does not break rocks down into smaller parts, but physical weathering does. C. Chemical weathering is acid precipitation and pressure, and physical weathering is wind and temperature changes. D. Chemical weathering happens when the bonds that hold minerals together break; physical weathering happens when physical actions wear away and crack the rocks.
What is D Chemical weathering happens wen the bonds that holds minerals together break; physical weathering happens when physical actions wear way and crack the rocks