Theory vs. Law
Radiation, Conduction, Convection
Classifying Living Things
"As galaxies move farther apart from each other, they move faster. A galaxy’s speed is proportional to its distance" is this a theory or a law?
What is a law
At night, the air is usually cooler than it is during the day. Which term is best defined as a measure of how hot or cold something is? A. heat B. temperature C. kinetic energy D. thermal energy
What is B. Temperature
Eugene is studying the levels of structural organization of an animal’s body. Which level would describe a dog’s eye? A. organ B. tissue C. organism D. organ system
What is A. organ
Which of the following is the best definition of precipitation? A. liquid water found on Earth’s surface B. any form of water present in Earth’s atmosphere C. water that falls to Earth’s surface from clouds D. water vapor that has formed liquid droplets in a cloud
What is C water that falls to Earth's surface from clouds
Katya listed major questions that scientists try to answer when they classify organisms. Her list included the following questions: How many living things are there? What are the characteristics that define living things? What additional question would be best for Katya to add to her list about classification? A. How are living things related? B. How do living things get energy? C. What do living things need to survive? D. Where do living things make their home?
What is A. How are living things related?
" Humans are heating up the atmosphere" Law or Theory
What is a Theory
Light from the sun heats Earth’s atmosphere. When the air becomes warmer, it expands, resulting in weather patterns. Which type of energy increases as air expands? A. chemical energy B. electrical energy C. kinetic energy D. nuclear energy
What is C. Kinetic Energy
Alan is making a list of organisms. Which of the following should he include on his list? A. air B. lung C. heart D. grass
What is D. Grass
Which of these answers is the best example of how the water cycle can transport energy? A. a flooding river depositing silt on a floodplain B. a warm ocean current warming the air above it C. ocean water depositing sand particles on a shore D. water seeping through the soil and dissolving salts
What is B a warm ocean current warming the air above it
What are the two parts of a scientific name? A. genus and species B. phylum and class C. domain and genus D. domain and kingdom
What is A. genus and species
All organisms are made up of one or more cells The cell is the basic unit of all organisms All cells come from existing cells
What is a theory
Patti places a beaker of water in direct sunlight. Which of the following happens to the water as it warms? A. Both its kinetic energy and its volume increase. B. Both its kinetic energy and its volume decrease. C. Its kinetic energy increases, and its volume decreases. D. Its kinetic energy decreases, and its volume increases.
What is A. Both its kinetic energy and its volume increase
What causes convection currents to form in the oceans? A. surface winds B. the Coriolis effect C. differences in water density D. continental deflection
What is C. differences in water density
Which of the following is not an example of how the sun's energy directly affects the water cycle? A. Ocean currents warm the air along a coastline. B. Water evaporates from an ocean. C. Water vapor condenses in the atmosphere and releases heat energy. D. Water runs off into lakes and rivers.
What is D. Water runs off into lakes and rivers
Which of the following statements correctly identifies the general characteristics of organisms in a domain? A. Domain Eukarya includes single-celled organisms that lack nuclei. B. Domain Bacteria includes multicellular organisms that make their own food. C. Domain Archaea includes single-celled organisms that can be found in hot springs and thermal vents. D. Domain Protista includes single-celled and simple multicellular organisms that have plantlike or animal-like characteristics.
What is C. Domain Archaea inclues single-celled organisms that can be found in hot springs and thermal vents
For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.
What is a Law
Which of the following processes transfers the sun’s energy between particles as well as through empty space? A. radiation only B. conduction only C. convection only D. both conduction and convection
What is A. radiation only
How does convection cause ocean currents? A. During the process of convection, energy is transferred to the atmosphere, forming winds. These winds power surface currents. B. During the process of convection, the heating of surface water by the sun results in upwelling. C. During the process of convection, energy in warm water is lost to its surroundings. The water cools, becomes denser, and sinks. D. During the process of convection, more minerals and gases dissolve in warm water. This increases the density of the warm water and causes it to sink.
What is C. During the process of convection, energy in warm water is lost to its surroundings. The water cools, becomes denser and sinks
The Coriolis effect greatly affects the paths of air circulation on Earth. What causes the Coriolis effect? A. the sun B. the moon C. Earth’s rotation D. Earth’s revolution
What is C. earth's rotation
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed it can only change form.
What is a law.
Conduction happens as energy flows from a warmer object to a cooler object. Which of the following is an example of conduction? A. electromagnetic radiation transfers energy from the sun to Earth B. warmer air is pushed upward and out of the way by cooler air C. cooler air molecules come in contact with warm ground, causing energy to be passed to the air D. dense water sinks to the ocean floor and less dense water moves to the ocean surface
What is C. cooler air molecules come in contact with warm ground causing energy to be passed to the air
Certain places in the United States occasionally experience weather events caused by violently rotating columns of air stretching from a cloud to the ground. What are such weather events called? A. tornadoes B. hurricanes C. storm surges D. thunderstorms
What is A. tornadoes
The global movement of air occurs in convection cells. In general, how does air move? A. from areas of higher temperature to areas of lower temperature B. from areas of lower temperature to areas of higher temperature C. from areas of higher pressure to areas of lower pressure D. from areas of lower pressure to areas of higher pressure
What is C from areas of higher pressure to areas of lower pressure
Which of the following statements best defines the term taxonomy? A. a method of describing, classifying, and naming living things B. a tool that uses a series of paired statements to identify organisms C. a diagram that uses shared characteristics to show relationships among species D. a group of organisms that are closely related and can mate to produce fertile offspring
What is A. a method of describing, classifying, and naming living things