Joshua takes a reed from a riverbank. He slices a very thin piece of the reed and puts it on a slide. Joshua looks at the thin slice of reed and writes down what he sees. In what type of scientific investigation is Joshua involved? A. a descriptive investigation B. a comparative investigation C. plans for a physics experiment D. a study measuring the differences between plant and animal cells
What is A. a descriptive investigation
Linnea is making a drawing the to show how currents of air move from tropical regions to the polar regions. She wants include the source of the energy that causes these wind currents. What source of energy should Linnea show in her drawing? A. thermal energy from Earth’s mantle B. electromagnetic energy from the Sun C. kinetic energy from the rotation of Earth D. gravitational energy from the sun and moon
What is B. electromagnetic energy from the sun
When sunlight reaches the ground, energy is absorbed and the ground becomes warmer. How is energy transferred from the ground to the atmosphere? A. convection only B. convection and radiation C. convection and conduction D. radiation and conduction
What is D. Radiation and conduction
Sasha used the Internet to find and print images of the esophagus, stomach, liver, and intestines. She then arranged these structures to show how they are organized inside a human body. What sequence of organization was Sasha demonstrating? A. cells to tissues B. tissues to organs C. organs to organ systems D. organ systems to organism
What is C. Organs to Organ systems
A contact force is a force that is exerted by an object when it touches another object. Which of the following is an example of a contact force? A. an orange falling from a tree B. a magnet repelling another magnet C. a wood block sliding across the top of a desk D. hair standing up after someone takes off a wool cap
What is C. a wood block sliding across the top of a desk
Which of these would be the best place to investigate ways to make bread? A. a magazine article about flour mills B. a report on grain production in the U.S. C. an encyclopedia article on the history of bread D. a recipe book entitled 1001 Recipes for Better Baking
What is D. a recipe book entitled 1001 Recipes for Better Baking
On a hot, sunny day, the air just above solid ground is usually warmer than the air above the surface of the ocean nearby. Why is the air above land warmer than the air above water? A. Wind blows the heat away from the water’s surface. B. Soil radiates heat energy from absorbed sunlight faster than water does. C. The ground is heated by molten rock beneath the surface in addition to sunlight. D. Plants growing on land release energy into the atmosphere and make the air warmer.
What is B. Soil radiates heat energy from absorbed sunlight faster than water does
The movement of water through the oceans is one way that heat is transferred on Earth. By which process does water transfer heat from the equator to the poles? A. the Coriolis effect B. conduction C. radiation D. convection
What is D. Convection
A planarian is a flatworm that lives in freshwater ponds and streams. To eat, a planarian extends a tube from its body. This tube is called a pharynx, and it contains muscular tissue. Which level of organization does the pharynx represent? A. cell B. tissue C. organ D. organ system
What is C. organ
Padma is riding a bike down a hill. As she gets to the bottom, she applies the brakes to stop the bike’s forward motion. Which of the following statements best describe an example of friction acting on the bike? A. the ground pushing up on the bike B. Padma’s hand squeezing the handle of the brake C. Padma’s body pressing down on the seat of the bike D. the surface of the brake rubbing the rim of the front tire
What is D.the surface of the brake rubbing the rim of the front tire
Juan has an assignment to do a fact-finding investigation. He wants to investigate which hurricanes have struck Tampa in the past fifty years. He wants to know the names of the hurricanes, when they struck, and the damage they caused. Which of these resources would be most helpful in finding facts about the history of hurricanes in Tampa? A. an encyclopedia article about hurricanes B. a book entitled All About Hurricanes C. an almanac entry entitled Florida Hurricanes, 1910-2010. D. the local weather station’s report Preparing for a Hurricane
What is almanac entry entitled Florida Hurricanes, 1910-2010
Global winds are giant currents that carry large volumes of air from one part of the planet to another. What causes these large currents of air? A. cooling of the upper atmosphere due to loss of air into space B. continents pushing the air ahead of them due to the rotation of the planet C. large differences in the amount of water vapor due to evaporation over oceans D. temperature differences due to uneven solar heating between the equator and the poles
What is D. temperature differences due to uneven solar heating between the equator and the poles
Hot rock slowly moves within Earth’s mantle. This movement of mantle rock carries heat from Earth’s core toward the crust. What is this heat transfer process called? A. convection B. conduction C. radiation D. plate tectonics
What is A. Convection
All cell must maintain homeostasis to survive. What process do all cells perform to maintain homeostasis? A. growth B. photosynthesis C. elimination of wastes D. production of nutrients
What is C. elimination of wastes
A force can be a push or a pull. Which of the following is an example of a force that is a push? A. A dog tugging on a toy. B. A proton attracting an electron. C. Two magnets repelling each other. D. Gravity acting on a ball tossed in the air.
What is C. Two magnets repelling each other.
Mr. Kazel’s class takes a survey of student opinions about the food in the cafeteria. The class is broken up into three teams and each team surveys students from a different lunch period. They ask questions about food choices, favorite meals, least favorite meals, and suggestions for a better lunch service. They compile the information they collect and write a report to the principal. Which of these types of scientific investigations was the class doing? A. a descriptive investigation B. a comparative investigation C. a typical experimental investigation D. a thorough fact-finding research investigation
What is A. descriptive investigation
In Southeast Asia, the air above the land becomes very warm. Air rises in a very large low pressure system and is replaced by cooler air from the ocean, which causes a monsoon wind. Summer monsoons are strong winds that blow from the ocean over vast areas of land in the summertime. These winds bring warm, humid air and produce heavy rainfall. What causes the monsoon winds to occur every year? A. differences in how land and water absorb solar energy B. differences in temperature between daytime and nighttime C. movement of air from west to east due to Earth’s rotation D. an increase in the water content of air over land as it becomes warmer
What is A. differences in how land and water absorb solar energy
There are three main ways in which heat can be transferred in the Earth system. How does heat transfer by radiation differ from heat transfer by conduction or convection? A. Radiation only transfers energy from the sun to the Earth system. B. Radiation occurs only when temperature differences are very large. C. Radiation relies on contact between objects that are in contact to transfer energy. D. Radiation can transfer energy between objects that are not in contact with each other.
What is D. Radiation can transfer energy between objects that are not in contact with each other
Megan was performing an experiment with cells. She placed the cells in an environment that contained more salt than the environment inside the cells. As a result, the salt started moving into the cells. The salt coming into the cells would be considered a waste material. What action would the cells take that would be an example of homeostasis? A. The cells would divide. B. The cells would get larger. C. The cells would take in even more salt. D. The cells would get rid of the extra salt as waste.
What is D. The cells would get ri of the extra salt as waste
Earth has a greater attraction for a human than for a hummingbird. Which of the following statements is the most likely reason that this is true? A. The human has a greater mass than the hummingbird. B. The human has a greater length than the hummingbird. C. The human has a greater volume than the hummingbird. D. The feet of the human have a greater surface area than the feet of the hummingbird.
What is A. The human has a greater mass than the hummingbird.
Alexa is very interested in sea otters and would like to work on conserving sea otters in the wild. Which of the following would be the best source for Alexa in investigating what a career working with these appealing mammals would be like? A. an encyclopedia article about science careers B. a list of aquariums and zoos that have sea otter displays C. in interview with a scientist who works on the sea otter project at Monterrey Bay Aquarium D. an article in National Geographic Kids about rescuing marine mammals after an oil spill
What is What is C. in interview with a scientist who works on the sea otter project at Monterrey Bay Aquarium
Wind occurs when one mass of air rises and another mass of air moves in to replace it. What causes the differences in the two masses of air? A. uneven heating by solar energy B. tidal effects of the sun and moon C. varying amounts of carbon dioxide D. changing percentages of oxygen and nitrogen
What is A. uneven heating by solar energy
In the atmosphere, convection currents occur when warm air rises, cools, and sinks. What causes the warm air to rise? A. Warm air is denser than cool air. B. Warm air is less dense than cool air. C. Warm air contains a greater amount of water vapor than cool air. D. Warm air has a greater electrical charge than cool air.
What is B. Warm air is less dense than cool air
Isabel was looking for a word to use in describing homeostasis. After thinking about it, she found just the right word. What was the word that she used to describe what happens as a result of homeostasis? A. balance B. growth C. instability D. shrinkage
What is A. balance
All objects exert a force on the objects around them. Joe places two beakers of water with identical masses 100 cm apart on a table. What happens to the force that each beaker exerts on the other if he adds more water to one of the beakers? A. Beakers of water cannot exert force on each other. B. The amount of force exerted by the two beakers increases. C. The amount of force exerted by the two beakers decreases. D. The amount of force exerted by the two beakers remains the same.
What is B. The amount of force exerted by the two beakers increases