Constitutional Convention
State and Local
Types of Government
Government Influencers
Colonial Times

The first 10 Amendments of the Constitution were added to sway the Anti-Federalists to ratify the Constitution, what are they called?

The Bill of Rights


Voting in elections is a Civic ______, while registering for the Draft (Selective Service) is a Civic _______.

Responsibility, Duty


In this form of government, one person holds all the power and makes all the decisions 

Monarchy or Dictatorship


Thomas Hobbes was a believer in this theory that argues that the state arose out of the voluntary act of free people, and that in order to maintain security, citizens must give up some freedoms

Social Contract Theory


What is physical geography?

the branch of geography dealing with natural features and processes.


Smaller states, who were fans of equal representation in the legislature, would approve of this plan where each state gets the same number of representatives.

New Jersey Plan


What is the name for Missouri's legislative branch?

General Assembly


Having both a state and federal court system is an example of what basic principle?



This Enlightenment thinker influenced the founding fathers by publishing works about individual rights and liberties that the government cannot take away.

John Locke


How did the north feel about slavery?

They wanted to abolish it

Larger states would approve of this plan, in which your representation in the legislative branch was based on population.

Virginia Plan


This is a formal written request, which is typically signed by many people, asking for attention to a particular cause. 



The idea that government has ONLY the powers granted by the people in the constitution is an example of which basic principle

Limited Government


What was the name of the two English Documents that heavily influenced the U.S. Constitution and Founding Fathers ideas for government?

English Bill of Rights and the Magna Carta 


How did cultural geography influence the way the southern states voted or the way they would be represented in government?

Slavery was practiced in the south and seen as acceptable, so they would vote to keep slavery in place


The plan that featured a bicameral legislature with the representation in one house based on population and the other based on equal representation was called...

Connecticut (Great) Compromise


What is the local government system where Council members are elected and one acts as the mayor? Council hires city manager to manage and appoint department heads. (Springfield's model)

Council Manager


In a presidential democracy the people choose the executive, in a parliamentary democracy ___ _______ chooses the executive.

the parliament, the legislature 

1500-1700s, time period with philosophes that promoted ideas of liberty, equality, & justice



What was the name of the pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1776, promoted independence with moral and political reasons?

Common Sense


What was the name of the compromise that included "all other persons" so the larger southern states could have more representation in the House of Representatives

3/5ths Compromise


The power reserved to the voters that allows the voters, by petition, to demand the removal of an elected official is called what?



The French term that literally meant “hands-off” and meant that companies should be allowed to conduct business without intervention from the government



This was the name of the 1st document framing a government in America which was written in 1620 (self-govern, consent of the people)

Mayflower Compact


How did the physical and cultural geography influence the creation of the Constitution?

Example answers: Bigger states would want representation based on population, smaller wanted equal representation. 

Slave southern states wanted to keep slavery, free northern states wanted it gone - influenced individual freedom ideas.