Big Words
Figuratively Speaking
Example Please!
Rhetorical device that uses exaggeration to make a point or for emphasis
What is hyperbole?
A source that comes "straight from the horse's mouth"
What is a primary source?
The moon smiled at the sun as she passed her by in the sky. This is an example of what type of figurative language?
What is personification?
The committee brings/bring their own lunch every day.
What is brings?
You're like an Indian summer in the middle of winter, like a hard candy with a surprise center. How do I get better once I've had the best? These song contain examples of what type of figurative language?
What is a simile?
Seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement
What is a paradox?
The U.S Constitution is this type of source
What is a primary source?
The car screeched to a halt as the driver saw the stop sign that had been obscured by falling foliage. Two examples of figurative language are used in this example; what are they?
What is onomatopoeia and alliteration?
A. The woman bought a book, read the book, and ate lunch. B. The woman bought a book, and was reading it while eating lunch. C. I looked under the bed, behind the dresser, and then under the couch for my missing shoe. Which example has parallel structure?
What is A?
The little girl was walking down the street, crying. She had lost her red balloon. While she was holding it, she accidentally let the string go and it floated away. As she walked, she tried to see through her tears, hoping she would find it. Miraculously, she found it stuck in a shrubbery bush. When she found it, she pulled a stick pin out of her purse and popped it. What type or irony is presented here?
What is situational irony?
Expression that is peculiar to a particular region or group of people and does not mean what it literally says
What is an idiom?
Three internet domains that are considered trustworthy
What are .edu, .net, and .gov?
I've been feeling down in the dumps lately. No one seems to understand me at all. My mom sees me crying a river of tears and she just laughs and says, "Cheer up kiddo." What type of figurative language is used in the preceding example (two)?
What are an idiom and hyperbole?
A. She is taller than her. B. The boy is taller than me. C. The boy is taller than I. Which example uses a pronoun correctly?
What is C?
A Haagen Dazs commercial came on TV interrupting the movie I was watching. The voice told the audience to "Let the flavor embrace you over and over again" while different people were shown eating spoons of the ice cream. What type of figurative language is being used in the commercial?
What is personification?
Latin expression that means voice of the people
What is vox populi?
Jackie wants to learn more about the Civil Rights movement. She decides to start on the internet. She comes across the following sites; which should she use?;;
We were driving through the desert with our friends Cam, Rachel and their friend Byron. In the span of one hour, we were threatened by a pack of coyotes, got two flat tires, and then ran into quicksand. Can you imagine that? Jan stopped the car and threw her hands up in the air. I give up God! Somebody must be bringing us bad luck. Please tell us who it is. What type of figurative language is used in that example?
What is an allusion?
I want to take my mother to the store, my car is running roughly, but I don't mind driving for her. Go to the board and correct the above sentence.
What is I want to take my mother to the store; my car is running roughly, but I don't mind driving for her. or What is I want to take my mother to the store. My car is running roughly, but I don't mind driving for her.
Pull up in your town, when you see me you know everything, green and yellow, green and yellow, green and yellow. I put it down representin for my team. What type of rhetorical device is used in the above example?
What is repetition?
A social blunder
What is a faux pas?
Two ways to prevent plagiarism
What is summarize, paraphrase, or use in-text citations?
The teacher told the students I am your mother, your counselor, your teacher and your doctor. What type of figurative language is being used (there's two types)?
What are alliteration and metaphor?
Each of the police officers can park the their car on the grass, the group who owns the building changed their mind about not allowing them to. Find the two mistakes of pronoun usage and one use of punctuation mistake and correct them.
What is "Each of the police officers can park his or her car on the grass; the group who owns the building changed its mind about not allowing them to." ?
Mine's a tale that can't be told, my freedom I hold dear. How years ago, in days of old, when magic filled the air. T'was in the darkest depths of Mordor, I met a girl so fair. But Gollum, the evil one crept up and slipped away with her. What type of literary device is being used in these song lyrics?
What is an allusion?