Writing Workshop
Reading Readiness
Grammar Greatness
Free Space
Writing Checklist
What should you include in your body paragraph of your essay?
What is details, examples, facts, explanations, and specifics!
What is taking notes in the margin the 2nd time you read the passage called?
What is chunking?
Which sentence is correct: A. We went over there to go and eat wings. B. We went over their to go and eat wings. C. We went over they're to go and eat wings.
What is A?
How many hours do you have to complete the test?
What is 5?
Having 3 main points on your essay is okay. True or False?
What is False--only one is good and really go all out on that one main point.
What should you restate at the end of your essay?
What is your thesis?
What has been our Do Now all week that will definitely help you on the test?
What is reading our OWN books of choice.
Which one is correct: A. I didn't know the answer. B. I doesn't know the answer. C. I don't know the answer. D. I dunno the answer.
What is A and C only.
What was the prompt for the writing we did this week?
What is the traits of a true friend?
What should you do if you are repeating many of the same words?
What is use the thesaurus?
What should you do in your head to make sure your essay makes sense, and you aren't missing any words?
What is read it to yourself again?
What should you include in your short answer response?
What is Answer, Cite textual evidence, and connection to real world.
Which one is correct: A. Its cold outside today. B. It's cold outside today. C. Its' cold outside today. D. I'ts cold outside today.
What is B?
What score will you get if you write an expository essay instead of the persuasive on the EOC II?
What is a 0 or a 1?
What should you do if you feel you are misspelling many words?
What is use the dictionary!!!!
Before you start writing what MUST you do?
What is pre-write!
What should you highlight on the reading?
What is words you don't understand!
Which one is incorrect? A. Who is there? B. Whom is there? C. Whose is there? D. Who's is there?
What is A?
What did I hand you yesterday so you can memorize and start using in your writing?
What is a transition words packet?
Writing 5 words per line is okay. True or False?
What is False--try to write small to squeeze 8 words in there. Make your essay good and full of great sentences!
What should you end your essay with that STAAR loves (hint: don't answer with a bang we all know this already) What type of bang?
What is a question to leave the audience hanging.
What type of candy helps you concentrate more?
What is peppermint?
What is the section of the test that majorally tests grammar?
What is revising and editing section?
If anyone scores a 4 on the essay what will happen (I will buy this for you) AND if you pass your tests what will I buy you?
What is a pizza party, and a drink, candy, and chips of your choice!
Which of the following is NOT a transition word or phrase: A. After all B. Although C. Already D. As we go further on,
What is C?