Writing Wonder
Reading Rainbow
4th period Trivia
Revise and Be Wise
Test Secrets
It is okay not to pre-write for your essay if you are familiar with the topic. True or False?
What is FALSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Always always always pre=write!!!!
How many times should you read each passage on the tests?
What is twice?
What is the name of the student who came back from Milborne academy and still doesn't come to school?
Who is Lawrence?
What was the name of the first Revise and Edit story we did yesterday and today?
What is "Vote!"
Staying up late on Sunday and Tuesday is okay. My schedule isn't that different before a test. True or False?
What is false!!! You should go to bed super early and get rest!
What should you use when you want to make your words bigger on your essay?
What is the thesaurus?
what should you do while reading?
What is annotate? Chunk or take notes is accepted too.
What is the name of the teacher I am always borrowing dictionaries from?
What is Mrs. Jennings?
Even though she works long hours. She keeps working hard after she gets home.
What is change the period to a comma after the word--hours and lowercase the s in --she? Even though she works long hours, she keeps working hard after she gets home.
I shouldn't really eat a good breakfast the mornings of the test because Mrs. Dominguez will bring snacks. True or False?
What is False!!! You should eat a great breakfast because the snacks won't be enough.
Writing small, filling up every line, and make sure you erase properly are all things you MUST do on the test. True or False?
What is true!!!
What should you do if there's a word you don't understand?
What is look it up in the dictionary!
What is Mrs. Dominguez's first name?
What is Cynthia?
My sister needed help with her social study's project this week.
What is remove the apostrophe in --study's-- and change the word to --studies? My sister needed help with her social studies project this week.
Dress like you would normally dress to school the days of the test. True or False?
What is false!!! Dress in comfy clothes, sweats, and layers so you can be perfect and not stressed with the clothes you are wearing.
If you can't think of a personal example for the essay it's okay to lie. True or false?
What is true!!! They don't know you personally-you can stretch the truth!
What should you do when you finish answering the multiple choice questions in the reading?
What is double check your answers!!!
Who used to be in class with us, he had a cousin who came here and they both do not come here anymore.
Who is Abel?
Its their job to let us know if the games have been rained out.
What is change --Its to It's? It's their job to let us know if the games have been rained out.
If you have to go to the bathroom but you only have a few minutes left of the test don't go and wait. True or False.
What is true. Hold it and try to finish the finish the test first. If you don't finish this could mean passing or not.
What type of writing is English I and what type of writing is English II?
What is expository and persuasive?
What is the name of this play we read in class?
What is the name of the company Mrs. Dominguez works for that scores the STAAR test?
What is ETS?
For a majority of students, it is important to have assignments that are like real world situations.
What is add a hyphen between --real and world? For a majority of students, it is important to have assignments that are like real-world situations.