One night, a group of colonists dressed liked Native Americans boarded three ships docked in Boston harbor and threw their cargoes overboard.
What is Boston Tea Party?
General Washington did not have a problem preventing his troops from doing this during hard times.
What was desert?
A great percentage of the soldiers at Valley Forge deserted the Continental Army
What was NOT true about the conditions at Valley Forge?
This was the goal of creating a national government in the Constitution.
What was a strong but limited federal government and strong state governments?
The Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional because of the theory of nullification.
What were the The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions? .
This Act closed the port of Boston until the colonists paid for the destroyed tea and banned the committees of correspondence, housed British troops in houses where necessary and allowed British officials accused of crimes to stand trial in England
What is the Intolerable Acts?
Congress’s inability to supply the army with even basic provisions and the contracts were initially for one year and that created a problem with trained troops leaving for their homes
What two problems did General Washington face in creating an army?
Better leadership, took no foreign aid, knowledge of land and were motivated more than the British
What were the four reasons America won the war?
Anti-federalists would not ratify this document because they felt a Bill of Rights must be included.
Why did the Anti-federalists oppos the ratification of the Constitution?
It established the Supreme Court's power of judicial review
What is true about the Supreme Court's case of Marbury v. Madison?
The significance was of it banned all trade with Britain, called for each colony to start training of troops, and was the first step toward independence from Britain.
What is the First Continental Congress?
They tried to cut off New England from the other states.
Why did the British attempt to seize the Hudson River Valley?
The idea that instead of a king, the people would rule
What was as a result of the war, what idea developed about how people should be governed?
It provided the basic framework for writing the Constitution.
What was the the Virginia Plan?
It yielded accurate Maps, Growth of Fur Trade, and Mistaken View of the Great Plains
What were the effects of the exploration of the Louisiana Territory?
Their goals were to arrest Patriot leaders and destroy the militia's supplies.
Why did British troops march from Boston into the countryside in April 1775
The turning point of the American Revolution.
What was the defeat of the British army at the Battles of Saratoga?
This was a set of laws that established a federal government. The weakness were it lacked power to enforce laws; levy taxes; regulate trade among the states; and required all 13 states to approve changes in the Articles.
What were the Articles of Confederation and what were there weaknesses?
This political party favored states' rights, limited federal government, no national bank and had a deep faith in the common people?
What did the Anti-Federalists prefer regarding government, banks and the people?
This war encouraged the growth of U.S. manufacturing.
What was an important legacy of the War of 1812?
Thomas Paine wrote this pamphlet to convince Americans that a complete break with Britain was necessary.
What was a pamphlet called Common Sense?
He recognized U.S. independence and in 1778 this country signed two treaties of alliance with the U.S.
As a result of the American victory at Saratoga, what King Louis XVI of France did?
This was caused by high taxes and resulted in the state militia easily defeating farmers when they tried to take an arsenal. The long term of effect of this rebellion America’s leaders realized an armed uprising could destroy the nation
What is Shay's Rebellion?
This party favored strong central government, limited state government, a national bank and feared mob rule?
What the Federalists preferred in government and their position regarding the common people?
Factory machines replaced hand tools and large scale manufacturing replaced farming as the main form of work
What was the significance of Industrial Revolution?