Cell Specialization
Cell Membrane
Cell Cycle
Organic Chem

Plant cells are able to produce their own food. This process happens in ______ structure

A. cell wall

B. chloroplast

C. mitochondrion

D. vacuole

What is the chloroplast? B


This determines the function of a specialized cell

A. the type of RNA in the cell 

B. the number of ribosomes in the cell 

C. the number of chromosomes in the cell 

D. the active genes in the cell  

What are the active genes in a cell? D


This explains how sweating during exercise maintains homeostasis.

A. It regulates mineral concentrations in cells. 

B. It regulates body temperature. 

C. It maintains water balance. 

D. It maintains sugar balance in cells. 

 What is regulates body temperature? B


This is phase of the cell cycle does most cell growth occur.

A. cytokinesis

B. interphase

C. prophase

D. mitosis

What is interphase? B


Waxes create a waterproof layer on the outside of some living organisms. This is the group of organic molecules that waxes belong to. 

A. carbohydrates

B. lipids

C. nucleic acids

D. proteins

What is a lipid? B


This is a primary function of a vacuole in a cell?

A. enzyme production

B. protein synthesis

C. storage

D. reproduction

What is storage? C


These cells in the human body are specialized to transport oxygen throughout the body.

A. nerve cell

B. red blood cell

C. muscle cell

D. sperm cell

What is a red blood cell? B

A contractile vacuole helps protists eliminate excess liquid. This is a “pumping" process which reduces pressure inside the cell and prevents the cell from bursting. This is most likely the source of energy for this process.


B. Lipids


D. ribosomes

What is ATP? C


This is why DNA replication must occur before a cell can divide by mitosis.

A. to maintain the same number of chromosomes in the daughter cells as in the parent cell

B. to cause one of the cells produced to have double the number of chromosomes as the parent cell 

C. to allow crossing over to occur in each of the cells produced 

D. to create haploid cells needed for fertilization 

What is to maintain the same number of chromosomes in the daughter cells as in the parent cell? A


Salivary amylase is an enzyme in humans that breaks down starches. This substance humans would have difficulty digesting without this enzyme.

A. lipids

B. nucleic acids

C. carbohydrates

D. proteins

What are carbohydrates? C


Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells contain:

A. membrane-bound organelles 

B. linear chromosomes 

C. cytoplasm

D. a nucleus

What is a cytoplasm? C


Some marine worms and mollusks go through similar larval stages during development. This can be inferred about their relationship.

A. They share a common ancestor.

B. They mate with each other 

C. They compete for a habitat. 

D. They share the same food source.  

What is they share a common ancestor? A


A freshwater plant is placed in a container of saltwater. This will most likely happen to the cells of the plant.

A. They will swell because water will move into them. 

B. They will swell because salt will move into them. 

C. They will shrink because water will move out of them. 

D. They will shrink because salt will move out of them. 

What is they will shrink because water will move out of them? C


This process can occur in both mitosis and meiosis

A. fertilization 

B. independent assortment 

C. gene mutation 

D. crossing over  

What is gene mutation? C


This activity most contributes to the depletion of the ozone layer.

A. burning fossil fuels 

B. release of CFCs

C. deforestation 

D. overuse of fertilizers 

What is the release of CFCs? B


This will most likely be the result if all the mitochondria are removed from a plant cell.

A. It will be unable to carry out respiration.

B. It will lose water through osmosis. 

C. It will break down the ribosomes in the cell. 

D. It will be unable to photosynthesize. 

What is it will be unable to carry out respiration? A

Nerve cells, muscle cells,and red blood cells are examples of a variety of cells from the same organism.This is how cells from the same organism have such different shapes and functions.

A. As each cell differentiates, the DNA changes so that each type of cell has different DNA once it reaches maturity. 

B. Mutations in the cells’ nuclei lead to new combinations of DNA, resulting in different shapes and functions in the different types of cells. 

C. During differentiation, different parts of the DNA in each type of cell are activated, resulting in the different structure and function of the cells.

D. During differentiation, different types of cells produce proteins which destroy the nonactive DNA, leading to cell specialization. 

What is during differentiation, different parts of the DNA in each type of cell are activated, resulting in the different structure and function of the cells? C


This is the best evidence that a cell is using active transport to move a substance across its cell membrane.

A. Substances are moving rapidly across the cell membrane. 

B. ATP is being rapidly consumed near the cellular membrane.

C. Substances are moving from high to low concentrations. 

D. Substances are moving through channels in the cell membrane. 

What is ATP is being rapidly consumed near the cellular membrane? B


This is how some chemicals increase the risk of a person getting cancer.

A. by causing cell mutations

B. by causing a deficiency of vitamin D 

C. by causing an increase of toxins in the skin 

D. by causing a decrease in the immune response 

What is by causing cell mutations? A

A closed terrarium containing a plant, soil, decomposers, water vapor, and snails is exposed to sunlight. (Draw image on whiteboard). This must happen for the carbon cycle to continue in this terrarium.

A. All organisms must continue to exchange gases. 

B. The snails must double their production of carbon dioxide. 

C. The plant must produce carbon dioxide at a faster rate. 

D. The decomposers must begin to produce oxygen. 

What is all organisms must continue to exchange gases? A

A Paramecium is a unicellular protist.When a chemical is added to the pond water in which the Paramecium lives, the Paramecium stops moving. This structure is most likely affected.

A. gullet

B. mitochondrion

C. contractile vacuole

D. flagella

What is the contractile vacuole? C


This process best explains how a nerve cell and a muscle cell can both develop from the same fertilized egg.

A. differentiation

B. natural selection 

C. selective breeding 

D. genetic engineering 

What is differentiation? A

A red blood cell in a beaker that contains a solution with a higher salt concentration than that inside the red blood cell. (Draw image on whiteboard) This will happen to the red blood cell in this environment
A. The size of the red blood cell will remain constant. 
B. The red blood cell will swell at first and then shrink. 
C. The red blood cell will swell from absorbing salt molecules. 
D. The red blood cell will shrink from losing water molecules.  

What is the red blood cell will shrink from losing water molecules? D

The chemical colchicine disrupts cell division. This cell process would most likely stop if colchicine were added to a culture of human liver cells.

A. mitosis

B. meiosis

C. crossing over

D. active transport

What is mitosis? A


This best explains why the rate of a biochemical reaction decreases at high temperatures.

A. The activation energy increases. 

B. The shape of the enzyme changes.

C. The enzyme-substrate complex forms. 

D. The bonds between substrates are broken. 

What is the shape of the enzyme changes? B