Civil War
Expansion and Growth
Era of Total War
America in the World

THIS is the term for the growing regional conflict (primarily between North and South) that led to the Civil War.

What is sectionalism?


THIS amendment abolished slavery in 1865.

What is the 13th?


Segregation was declared constitutional in THIS Supreme Court decision in 1896.

What is Plessy v. Ferguson?


The sinking of THIS ship in 1915, with 123 Americans on board, prompted many Americans to support America's entry into WWI.

What is the Lusitania?


THIS is the key idea in the Truman Doctrine, which held that America needed to keep communism from spreading after WWII.

What is containment?


In this famous speech, Abraham Lincoln said that the US was undergoing a "new birth of freedom."

What is the Gettysburg Address?


Northerners who moved South during Reconstruction and tended to vote Republican were hated by many white Southerners and were known as THIS.

What are carpetbaggers?


Like Rockefeller in the oil industry, THIS tycoon led the steel industry.

Who is Carnegie?

In the aftermath of WWII, Wilson encouraged world powers to form THIS organization, although the US ultimately did not join.

What is the League of Nations?

In the patriotic enthusiasm following the Spanish-American War in 1898, the US annexed THIS island chain.

What is Hawaii?


THIS abolitionist's raid on a US arsenal in Virginia increased sectional tensions in 1859.

Who is John Brown?


Reconstruction ended with THIS compromise.

What is the Compromise of 1877?


THIS act of Congress offered cheap or free land to settlers willing too move West beginning in 1862.

What is the Homestead Act?


THESE were long-term causes of WWI in Europe (name at least two).

Militarism, nationalism, imperialism, entangling alliances.


THIS international organization was President Wilson's idea, even though the US never joined it.

What is the League of Nations?


THIS term refers to the system that allowed new states and territories to decide whether they would be slave or free.

What is popular sovereignty?


THIS president took power after Lincoln's assassination and was more conciliatory toward the South than many in his party wanted him to be.

Who is Andrew Johnson?


Many Chinese immigrants came to the US to take jobs building the transcontinental railroad, but THIS act of Congress in 1882 blocked Chinese immigration.

What is the Chinese Exclusion Act?

THIS American invasion of France turned the tide of WWII in favor of the Allies.

What is D-Day?


THIS term refers to Nixon's policy of shifting the military burden of the Vietnam War onto South Vietnamese forces.

What is Vietnamization?


THIS person was the president of the Confederacy.

Who is Jefferson Davis?


Republicans in Congress who wanted a strong push for racial equality in the South were known as THESE.

Who were the Radical Republicans?


As corporations and railroads grew bigger and more powerful in the second half of the nineteenth century, Congress was pressured to limit their power through acts of legislation such as THIS (name one).

What is the Sherman Antitrust Act, the Interstate Commerce Act, or the Clayton Antitrust Act.


WWI involved the use of many new and deadly weapons, including THIS kind of poison gas.

What is mustard gas?


During the Cold War, the US intervened on behalf of the capitalist SOUTHERN HALF of BOTH of these countries.

What are Korea and Vietnam?